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Open Debate of the Security Council on women and peace and security



Open Debate of the Security Council on women and peace and security

The Nigerian Presidency of the Security Council will convene on 28 October 2011 an open debate on women and peace and security with a specific focus on “Women’s Participation and Role in Conflict Prevention and Mediation” to provide a forum for the Security Council, Member States and other stakeholders to review progress made in responding to these and related priorities. It will provide the opportunity to discuss further measures to achieve greater effectiveness of conflict prevention and resolution efforts through the increased participation of women and strengthened capacity to address gender issues in peace processes.

In anticipation of the Open Debate Member States, civil society and UN entities are holding side events during October 2011 to exchange knowledge and information related to UNSCR 1325. UN Women, as the system wide coordinator on women and peace and security, has collected a calendar of side events on SCR 1325 for dissemination.

For more information, please click here.