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Egypt: "Towards a fair representation of women in the elected councils: Proportional representation list system"

World News

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Egypt: "Towards a fair representation of women in the elected councils: Proportional representation list system"


The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights held a seminar entitled "Towards a fair representation in the Parliament" on Monday, April 4, 2011. 70 male and female participants including heads of parties, political experts, legal experts, activists, heads of NGOs and male and female parliamentary representatives as well as male and female media workers attended the seminar. 

To read a report of the seminar, please visit Women Living Under Muslim Law. 


The Egyptian Center for Women's Rights held a seminar entitled "Towards a fair representation in the Parliament" on Monday, April 4, 2011. 70 male and female participants including heads of parties, political experts, legal experts, activists, heads of NGOs and male and female parliamentary representatives as well as male and female media workers attended the seminar. 

To read a report of the seminar, please visit Women Living Under Muslim Law. 
