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Korea: Women Quota Draws Backlash in DUP

World News

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Korea: Women Quota Draws Backlash in DUP


The main opposition Democratic United Party’s (DUP) plan for a 15 percent quota for women in the selection of candidates to run in the April general election on its ticket is being opposed by some male potential candidates. They claim the rule constitutes reverse discrimination, questioning whether placing more women in politics was such an urgent issue. According to them, the 15 percent quota will hurt male candidates.

Proponents said the liberal party adopted the rule in order to encourage more women to join politics to better represent their interests. The current rate of women in politics _ 13.7 percent in the legislature _ is insufficient to represent the best interests of women, they said.

Read the complete story at The Korea Times, published 7 February 2012.


The main opposition Democratic United Party’s (DUP) plan for a 15 percent quota for women in the selection of candidates to run in the April general election on its ticket is being opposed by some male potential candidates. They claim the rule constitutes reverse discrimination, questioning whether placing more women in politics was such an urgent issue. According to them, the 15 percent quota will hurt male candidates.

Proponents said the liberal party adopted the rule in order to encourage more women to join politics to better represent their interests. The current rate of women in politics _ 13.7 percent in the legislature _ is insufficient to represent the best interests of women, they said.

Read the complete story at The Korea Times, published 7 February 2012.
