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Spain: Spain’s King Upholds End to Violence Against Women

World News

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Spain: Spain’s King Upholds End to Violence Against Women


King Juan Carlos awarded on Tuesday the King of Spain Human Rights Prize to the Latin American and Caribbean Committee for the Defense of Women’s Rights, or Cladem, at a ceremony where he called for an end to violence against women and for education and employment accessible to all. In his address, the king said that to assure equality and decent living conditions for women we must “eradicate the violence that many suffer, eliminate poverty, hunger and disease and guarantee full access to education and employment.”
To read the full article, please visit the Latin American Herald Tribune's Website.


King Juan Carlos awarded on Tuesday the King of Spain Human Rights Prize to the Latin American and Caribbean Committee for the Defense of Women’s Rights, or Cladem, at a ceremony where he called for an end to violence against women and for education and employment accessible to all. In his address, the king said that to assure equality and decent living conditions for women we must “eradicate the violence that many suffer, eliminate poverty, hunger and disease and guarantee full access to education and employment.”
To read the full article, please visit the Latin American Herald Tribune's Website.
