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USA: 'Ice queen' and 'mean girl': What not to call a woman politician

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USA: 'Ice queen' and 'mean girl': What not to call a woman politician


In the mudslinging world of politics, women get sullied much more often than men, a group of advocates for female politicians says. Citing the "highly toxic" media environment that makes it difficult for female candidates to run and win, the Women's Campaign Forum, Women's Media Center and Political Parity announced a plan at the beginning of September to spend $250,000 on research. The group started a campaign titled "Name It, Change It" to monitor and study sexist comments.

To read the complete news story please visit the Washington Post.


In the mudslinging world of politics, women get sullied much more often than men, a group of advocates for female politicians says. Citing the "highly toxic" media environment that makes it difficult for female candidates to run and win, the Women's Campaign Forum, Women's Media Center and Political Parity announced a plan at the beginning of September to spend $250,000 on research. The group started a campaign titled "Name It, Change It" to monitor and study sexist comments.

To read the complete news story please visit the Washington Post.
