Making sure development works for all
UNDP’s Gender Team has been working with the AAP to help African governments mainstream gender in their climate-related development efforts.
The impacts of climate change are not gender-neutral, and neither are the right responses. Gender inequalities and different gender roles result in men and women being affected differently by the outcomes of climatic changes. Development and adaptation plans need to recognise this.
There is growing recognition of the gendered effects of climate change, but this has not translated to gender concerns being incorporated into climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts in Africa at a comparable rate. This uneven and halting progress in incorporating gender issues in climate change is alarming, for it places many well-intentioned development efforts at risk of failing the most vulnerable and leaving behind those who could be champions of adaptation.
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UNDP’s Gender Team has been working with the AAP to help African governments mainstream gender in their climate-related development efforts.
The impacts of climate change are not gender-neutral, and neither are the right responses. Gender inequalities and different gender roles result in men and women being affected differently by the outcomes of climatic changes. Development and adaptation plans need to recognise this.
There is growing recognition of the gendered effects of climate change, but this has not translated to gender concerns being incorporated into climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts in Africa at a comparable rate. This uneven and halting progress in incorporating gender issues in climate change is alarming, for it places many well-intentioned development efforts at risk of failing the most vulnerable and leaving behind those who could be champions of adaptation.
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