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United Nations calls for rules to ensure women to be elected to Constitutional Commission, Libya

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United Nations calls for rules to ensure women to be elected to Constitutional Commission, Libya


The UN has called for rules to be put in place to ensure that a sufficient number of women are elected to the 60-member Constitutional Commission.There needs to be a “meaningful participation of women” in the Commission, says the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL).

It points out that of the 34 women elected to Congress, only one was elected as an individual candidates out of 120 chosen. The other 33 were elected because of a special measure put in place in the elections. For the 80 seats contested under the party list system, parties had to present a list for each constituency in which males and females candidates alternated. It meant that in constituencies where a party won more than one seat, a female candidate was among the winners.


We invite our users to read the complete article published May 29 2013


The UN has called for rules to be put in place to ensure that a sufficient number of women are elected to the 60-member Constitutional Commission.There needs to be a “meaningful participation of women” in the Commission, says the UN Support Mission in Libya (UNSMIL).

It points out that of the 34 women elected to Congress, only one was elected as an individual candidates out of 120 chosen. The other 33 were elected because of a special measure put in place in the elections. For the 80 seats contested under the party list system, parties had to present a list for each constituency in which males and females candidates alternated. It meant that in constituencies where a party won more than one seat, a female candidate was among the winners.


We invite our users to read the complete article published May 29 2013
