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Call for applications: Consultancy to Support the Website Development of the Women Leaders in Public Sector



Call for applications: Consultancy to Support the Website Development of the Women Leaders in Public Sector

Terms of Reference 


1.1   In October 2012, the IDB announced the creation of a network of public sector women leaders in association with Google. The objective of the network is to: a) strengthen women’s leadership in the public sector, and b) promote the integration of gender considerations in their work programs. The network will harness the power of social media to connect women leaders and government officials committed to public sector service, in an effort to build networking, mentoring and skill-building opportunities.

1.2 Users will connect to the online network through a website that will be linked to different social networks, such as Google+, Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook. The website will house all the material that is produced for the network, including interviews, summaries of online discussions, and links to online career development courses, articles and studies. Users will have access to information and tools that will sharpen their leadership skills and ability to integrate gender in their work programs, such as: interactive discussions, offering discussion forums, video interviews with prominent Latin American

women and an “ask the expert” wall; news and events about professional development opportunities, career development or gender issues; good practice approaches to promoting gender equality in various development sectors; and a by-invitation-only section, where past and present high-level women such as Ministers, Vice-Ministers and department heads invited by the IDB will discuss, among peers and in a more private environment, topics related to their leadership role in their countries.

1.3 The content of the website has been developed and a website designer has been hired to produce the graphic design of the site. A website programmer will be hired to develop the site according to the terms and conditions specified in these terms of reference.  



2.1 The objective of this consultancy is to develop a website for an interactive network of Latin American women leaders in the public sector.


3.1 The web programmer will develop a beta version for testing and final version of the website for the Network of Latin American Women Leaders in the Public Sector. The main responsibilities of the consultant will include:

  • Preparing a work plan with a timeline.
  •  Working closely with the graphic designer to make the site user friendly.
  •  Reserving a space in the host server.
  •  Processing the request and securing a web domain for the site
  •  Ensuring navigation, functionality and interconnectivity of the website.
  •  Ensuring that the site is compatible with visualization on smartphones, tablets, Linux,
  •  Maintaining integrity of the site through automated and reliable spam control
  •  Developing an "app" of the website.  
  • Designing a template for dissemination of bulletin using a mail delivery program,
  •  Creating and maintaining a user/member database.
  •  Providing 6 months of technical assistance, on an as needed basis, once the website Mac, Microsoft Windows, etc. measures, such as Mailchimp becomes operational (see paragraph 3.3).

3.2 The website should include the following sections and/or requirements:

  • An internal search function that can sort all products, news items, static content across the site by keywords, publishers, date of publications, authors and languages, among others social media and its interactive functions into the design of the website.
  •  Connections with social networks at all levels of the platform. Design and implement
  •  Space for forum discussions.
  •  E-mail lists servers functionality integrated into the website for a variety of purposes
  •  Disaggregated member data collection and analysis on the network. Site statistics –
  •  Key user registration processes and user identity authentication requirements for (for discussion forums, sending invitations, e-newsletter, among others) Google Analytics and/or others logging into the website.

3.3 The consultant will provide 6 months of technical assistance, on an as needed basis, once the website becomes operational. Such support may include:

  • Ensuring follow-up maintenance both on graphic features and on operability of core
  •  Installing updates on a regular basis
  •  Ensuring immediate and daily availability to support the network´s management
  •  Ensuring interconnectivity of the Portal
  •  Guaranteeing accurate functioning of social networks and its interactive functions on
  •  Repairing and fixing spam, errors, bugs, broken links (not just urls, but ensure all features team, in case of need all levels of the platform images and external files are properly referenced), browser incompatibilities and any others issues that do not allow the site to work properly
  •  Optimizing site speed
  •  Validating and improving pages (codes)
  •  Improving site´s accessibility
  •  Continually analyzing and improving site´s usage statistics (including members´ disaggregated data) as well as social media statistics on site´s related issues



4.1 Lump sum payments:

  • 20% upon submitting the work plan
  •  40% upon presentation of the Beta version of the site
  •  20% upon presenting the final version of the site
  •  20% upon submitting a report summarizing the technical assistance provided



5.1 The work performed by the consultant will be supervised by Claudia Piras

( and Vivian Roza (


6.1 Type of consultancy: Individual  

6.2 Contract Duration:

6.3 Post of Duty: XX  

6.4 Experience and Qualifications:

  •  Bachelors or technical degree in computer science and/or website development
  •  Extensive experience creating and programming websites
  •  Extensive experience with Content Management Systems including Drupal, Joomla and Wordpress
  •  Experience in front-end web development, server-side scripting, database systems and software architecture patterns
  •  Sound knowledge of web programming languages such as: html, xhtml, css and JavaScript
  •  Experience writing programming codes
  •  Experience in graphical design, Photoshop and Illustrator
  •  Fluency in Spanish.

Please submit a one-page proposal by February 17, 2014 to Rossana Andia (

Proposals should include a timeline and budget.