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Call for Applications


Free eCourse: Gender-sensitive Governance: what does it look like and how can we work towards it?


Free eCourse: Gender-sensitive Governance: what does it look like and how can we work towards it?

This free web-based course provides participants with a general grounding in the current concepts of governance from a gender perspective and offers some examples and resources for applying these w


Call for Applications: Experts on Youth, Democratic Governance and Participation


Call for Applications: Experts on Youth, Democratic Governance and Participation

One of UNDP’s Youth Strategy key aims is to strengthen youth civic engagement and participation in decision making and political processes and institutions (Youth Strategy Outcome 2).


Apply to be a Global Community Champion for Women's Economic Empowerment


Apply to be a Global Community Champion for Women's Economic Empowerment

The Knowledge Gateway for Women's Economic Empowerment are inviting applications from dynamic, creative women and men from all over the world to champ

