Gender-sensitive parliaments: Advancing gender equality to end poverty
Date: 12 March 2024
The theme of the Parliamentary Meeting is “Gender-sensitive parliaments: Advancing gender equality to end poverty”. The meeting will provide an opportunity to bring a parliamentary perspective into the CSW68 discussions by showcasing parliamentary engagement in formulating laws, policies and budgets that specifically address poverty with a gender lens and ensure public financing advances the empowerment of women and girls. Members of parliament from around the world will share observations and practices in the areas of poverty alleviation, taxation, access to credit and resources for women. The meeting will also serve to underline the imperative of having gender-sensitive parliaments and of fostering law-making environments that proactively address and rectify gender disparities. Participants will exchange with their peers and experts on how to deepen their work in all of these areas.
To register for the event, click here.
UN Headquarters, ECOSOC Chamber, New York

UN Headquarters, ECOSOC Chamber, New York