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Women’s political participation in electoral processes requires targeted support to overcome gender discrimination. Key strategies for enhancing gender balance in electoral processes include: working with political parties to promote gender sensitive policies and practices to foster women’s leadership; targeted outreach and support for women to register to vote and safely access polling stations; guarantee of protection from election related violence and harassment; the use of quotas and temporary special measures to increase women’s representation; effective technical and financial support to women candidates and political leaders; and engagement of male champions for women’s empowerment and gender equality.

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World News

Women will vote at a Vatican meeting for the first time

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Women will vote at a Vatican meeting for the first time


When Helena Jeppesen-Spuhler, an advocate for the ordination of women, joined a major Vatican meeting this month, she was skeptical that an institution dominated by men for 2,000 years was ready to listen to women like her.

When Helena Jeppesen-Spuhler, an advocate for the ordination of women, joined a major Vatican meeting this month, she was skeptical that an institution dominated by men for 2,000 years was ready to listen to women like her.

World News

Elections 2023: Switzerland loses ground on women in parliament

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Elections 2023: Switzerland loses ground on women in parliament


At the last federal elections in 2019, the share of women candidates elected to the 200-seat House of Representatives surged by 10 percentage points to 42%.

This year the proportion slipped back to 38.5% and 77 seats, as the Federal Statistical Office said on Monday following the October 22 election. Final complete results for the 46-seat Senate are due by November 19.

At the last federal elections in 2019, the share of women candidates elected to the 200-seat House of Representatives surged by 10 percentage points to 42%.

This year the proportion slipped back to 38.5% and 77 seats, as the Federal Statistical Office said on Monday following the October 22 election. Final complete results for the 46-seat Senate are due by November 19.

World News

Record number of female MPs in Poland’s parliament after elections

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Record number of female MPs in Poland’s parliament after elections


A record 136 women were elected to sit in the Sejm – Poland’s more powerful lower house of parliament – at Sunday’s elections. That means 29.6% of the chamber’s 460 members will now be female, above the global average of 24.3% but below the EU-wide figure of 32.7%.

A record 136 women were elected to sit in the Sejm – Poland’s more powerful lower house of parliament – at Sunday’s elections. That means 29.6% of the chamber’s 460 members will now be female, above the global average of 24.3% but below the EU-wide figure of 32.7%.

World News

New Zealand: 'A lot of blue suits'. Parliament is majority male again after National's election success

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New Zealand: 'A lot of blue suits'. Parliament is majority male again after National's election success


One of the widest smiles at the front of the National Party’s first group photo belonged to 32-year-old Katie Nimon, the new MP for Napier who not only took the seat from the Labour Party, but is the first woman to hold it.

The achievement is a testament to the fact people can succeed in politics regardless of their background, she said. “I have been myself this entire time.”

One of the widest smiles at the front of the National Party’s first group photo belonged to 32-year-old Katie Nimon, the new MP for Napier who not only took the seat from the Labour Party, but is the first woman to hold it.

The achievement is a testament to the fact people can succeed in politics regardless of their background, she said. “I have been myself this entire time.”

Increasing women’s representation in Pacific politics: ‘give it time’ is not the answer

October 18, 2023

Increasing women’s representation in Pacific politics: ‘give it time’ is not the answer

Independent states in the Pacific region have the lowest levels of women’s political representation in the world.

Independent states in the Pacific region have the lowest levels of women’s political representation in the world.

World News

Mexico: female-led presidential race cements decades of action

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Mexico: female-led presidential race cements decades of action


Nearly 40 years ago, two young women were studying traditionally male-dominated science subjects at Mexico’s public National Autonomous University.

Nearly 40 years ago, two young women were studying traditionally male-dominated science subjects at Mexico’s public National Autonomous University.

World News

Low women turnout a pressing challenge ahead of polls

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Low women turnout a pressing challenge ahead of polls


With the general elections just around the corner, the low turnout among female voters remains a persistent challenge as Pakistan has suffered from an endemic low voter turnout in general and women voter turnout in specific, casting a shadow over efforts to enhance women’s engagement in the electoral process.

With the general elections just around the corner, the low turnout among female voters remains a persistent challenge as Pakistan has suffered from an endemic low voter turnout in general and women voter turnout in specific, casting a shadow over efforts to enhance women’s engagement in the electoral process.

World News

New Zealand: election night saw young women cement themselves into the political scene, including the youngest female MP the country has ever seen.

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New Zealand: election night saw young women cement themselves into the political scene, including the youngest female MP the country has ever seen.


The youngest MP in 170 years is Te Pāti Māori's Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke, aged 21, who won the Hauraki-Waikato electorate.

"To see young Māori wahine is so inspirational," she said.

The youngest MP in 170 years is Te Pāti Māori's Hana-Rawhiti Maipi-Clarke, aged 21, who won the Hauraki-Waikato electorate.

"To see young Māori wahine is so inspirational," she said.