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Women’s political participation in electoral processes requires targeted support to overcome gender discrimination. Key strategies for enhancing gender balance in electoral processes include: working with political parties to promote gender sensitive policies and practices to foster women’s leadership; targeted outreach and support for women to register to vote and safely access polling stations; guarantee of protection from election related violence and harassment; the use of quotas and temporary special measures to increase women’s representation; effective technical and financial support to women candidates and political leaders; and engagement of male champions for women’s empowerment and gender equality.

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World News

Elections in 2019 in Asian countries: A game-changer for women or not?

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Elections in 2019 in Asian countries: A game-changer for women or not?


How do women in elections stand to gain in terms of power sharing? What are the takeaways for them?

The long election season in India is finally over. No, not India alone, but a few more countries in the Asian neighbourhood had also undergone a similar exercise.

Now, how do women in this political changeover stand to gain in terms of power sharing? What are the takeaways for them?

How do women in elections stand to gain in terms of power sharing? What are the takeaways for them?

The long election season in India is finally over. No, not India alone, but a few more countries in the Asian neighbourhood had also undergone a similar exercise.

Now, how do women in this political changeover stand to gain in terms of power sharing? What are the takeaways for them?

World News

Record number of women win seats in Japan election, but female voters wary of government's empowerment pledge

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Record number of women win seats in Japan election, but female voters wary of government's empowerment pledge


Despite a record number of women winning seats in Sunday’s Upper House election, some female voters have expressed doubts about the government’s commitment to empowering women.

In Sunday’s election 28 women won seats, matching the figure seen in the previous Upper House election in 2016 and accounting for 22.6 percent of candidates elected overall.

Despite a record number of women winning seats in Sunday’s Upper House election, some female voters have expressed doubts about the government’s commitment to empowering women.

In Sunday’s election 28 women won seats, matching the figure seen in the previous Upper House election in 2016 and accounting for 22.6 percent of candidates elected overall.

World News

Japan election: Surge of women candidates could reshape male-dominated parliament

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Japan election: Surge of women candidates could reshape male-dominated parliament


One of the world's most unequal parliaments could be about to get a lot more female, or ... maybe not.

Voting is underway in Japan's general election, where a record number of women are running for office to fill 124 of the 245 seats in the upper House of Councilors.

Half of the upper chamber of the National Diet is elected every three years and this election includes three new seats.

One of the world's most unequal parliaments could be about to get a lot more female, or ... maybe not.

Voting is underway in Japan's general election, where a record number of women are running for office to fill 124 of the 245 seats in the upper House of Councilors.

Half of the upper chamber of the National Diet is elected every three years and this election includes three new seats.

World News

Female candidates in Japan Upper House poll at record 28%, but hitting 30% Diet target doubtful

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Female candidates in Japan Upper House poll at record 28%, but hitting 30% Diet target doubtful


The ratio of female candidates for the upcoming Upper House election hit a record high, but whether the country can achieve its target of raising the percentage of female lawmakers in the Diet to 30 percent remains uncertain.

The ratio of female candidates for the upcoming Upper House election hit a record high, but whether the country can achieve its target of raising the percentage of female lawmakers in the Diet to 30 percent remains uncertain.

World News

Women's parliament representation at its highest post-reform

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Women's parliament representation at its highest post-reform


The General Elections Commission (KPU) released a report on its official Twitter account about women’s representation at the Indonesian parliament, which the commission deemed the highest in the post-reform (pasca-reformasi) era.

The infographic shows that women’s representation in the House of Representatives (DPR) in 2019 reached 118 seats.

The General Elections Commission (KPU) released a report on its official Twitter account about women’s representation at the Indonesian parliament, which the commission deemed the highest in the post-reform (pasca-reformasi) era.

The infographic shows that women’s representation in the House of Representatives (DPR) in 2019 reached 118 seats.

World News

New polling shows how much sexism is hurting the Democratic women running for president

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New polling shows how much sexism is hurting the Democratic women running for president


Over the last several years, debates between Republicans and Democrats have increasingly involved extremely divergent attitudes toward women.

Over the last several years, debates between Republicans and Democrats have increasingly involved extremely divergent attitudes toward women.

World News

Why men thought women weren’t made to vote

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Why men thought women weren’t made to vote


William T. Sedgwick believed that no good could come of letting women vote.

“It would mean a degeneration and a degradation of human fiber which would turn back the hands of time a thousand years,” Sedgwick said in 1914. “Hence it will probably never come, for mankind will not lightly abandon at the call of a few fanatics the hard-earned achievements of the ages.”

William T. Sedgwick believed that no good could come of letting women vote.

“It would mean a degeneration and a degradation of human fiber which would turn back the hands of time a thousand years,” Sedgwick said in 1914. “Hence it will probably never come, for mankind will not lightly abandon at the call of a few fanatics the hard-earned achievements of the ages.”

World News

Barriers to election remain high in quest for gender equality in Japan

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Barriers to election remain high in quest for gender equality in Japan


Why hasn’t Japan been able to eliminate the perception that politics is a man’s world? Gender equality, women’s active participation in the workplace and female empowerment have taken root in society, but women’s participation in the all-important realm of politics remains sluggish. Is the problem structural or related to how society thinks? The election campaign for the House of Councillors that began on Thursday offers a good opportunity to explore issues related to women and politics.

Why hasn’t Japan been able to eliminate the perception that politics is a man’s world? Gender equality, women’s active participation in the workplace and female empowerment have taken root in society, but women’s participation in the all-important realm of politics remains sluggish. Is the problem structural or related to how society thinks? The election campaign for the House of Councillors that began on Thursday offers a good opportunity to explore issues related to women and politics.