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Women’s political participation in electoral processes requires targeted support to overcome gender discrimination. Key strategies for enhancing gender balance in electoral processes include: working with political parties to promote gender sensitive policies and practices to foster women’s leadership; targeted outreach and support for women to register to vote and safely access polling stations; guarantee of protection from election related violence and harassment; the use of quotas and temporary special measures to increase women’s representation; effective technical and financial support to women candidates and political leaders; and engagement of male champions for women’s empowerment and gender equality.

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The prevention and mitigation of election-related violence: An action guide

July 11, 2019

The prevention and mitigation of election-related violence: An action guide

Understanding and explaining outbreaks of election-related violence is a complex task; predicting whether forthcoming elections will turn violent, which factors may underlie or trigger violence, and what can be done to prevent violence is even more d

Understanding and explaining outbreaks of election-related violence is a complex task; predicting whether forthcoming elections will turn violent, which factors may underlie or trigger violence, and what can be done to prevent violence is even more d

Thinking of running in 2020? Lessons learned from women who ran for congress in 2018

July 11, 2019

Thinking of running in 2020? Lessons learned from women who ran for congress in 2018

By Julie Dolan and Paru Shah,

There’s a great deal of excitement leading up to the 2020 elections, in part because of the unprecedented numbers of women running for President.

By Julie Dolan and Paru Shah,

There’s a great deal of excitement leading up to the 2020 elections, in part because of the unprecedented numbers of women running for President.

World News

The 6 women running for president in the US have answers

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The 6 women running for president in the US have answers


“The opportunities for the next president are enormous. We can show worldwide leadership.”

Senator Elizabeth Warren, on whether it’s possible for the next president to help stop climate change.

“The opportunities for the next president are enormous. We can show worldwide leadership.”

Senator Elizabeth Warren, on whether it’s possible for the next president to help stop climate change.

World News

Mette Frederiksen becomes Denmark's youngest-ever prime minister

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Mette Frederiksen becomes Denmark's youngest-ever prime minister


Mette Frederiksen, the leader of Denmark's center-left Socialist Democratic party, has announced that she will form a left-leaning, one-party minority government, making her the nation's youngest-ever prime minister.

Mette Frederiksen, the leader of Denmark's center-left Socialist Democratic party, has announced that she will form a left-leaning, one-party minority government, making her the nation's youngest-ever prime minister.

World News

Election fallout round-Up: 70 women in Parliament, but Denmark still behind in

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Election fallout round-Up: 70 women in Parliament, but Denmark still behind in


The 2019 General Election tied a Danish record for the highest percentage of women being elected into Parliament with 39.1 percent (70 out of 179).

But despite that, Denmark is still lagging behind compared to its neighbours and remains the only Nordic country to have never had a share of women in Christiansborg that is above 40 percent.

SF leading the way

The 2019 General Election tied a Danish record for the highest percentage of women being elected into Parliament with 39.1 percent (70 out of 179).

But despite that, Denmark is still lagging behind compared to its neighbours and remains the only Nordic country to have never had a share of women in Christiansborg that is above 40 percent.

SF leading the way

World News

Call to introduce local election gender quotas

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Call to introduce local election gender quotas


A women’s rights group will today, 9 June, launch a €35,000 crowdfunding plan to help female candidates in future elections after accusing the Government of failing to do enough to address the issue.

The Women for Election group says the public money is needed just 24 hours after Dáil Ceann Comhairle Sean O’Fearghail publicly backed local election gender quotas as a “pragmatic” step that must be taken.

A women’s rights group will today, 9 June, launch a €35,000 crowdfunding plan to help female candidates in future elections after accusing the Government of failing to do enough to address the issue.

The Women for Election group says the public money is needed just 24 hours after Dáil Ceann Comhairle Sean O’Fearghail publicly backed local election gender quotas as a “pragmatic” step that must be taken.