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Women's Leadership

While there have been important advances in women’s leadership in politics, as of November 1 2017, women make up only 7.2% of Heads of State and 6.2% Heads of Government. Data on women representatives in local government, including as mayors, heads of villages and towns, is not well collected and analyzed. The adoption of an SDG indicator on women’s representation in local government is a great step forward in tracking progress on gender balance, allowing for the systematic collection and analysis of data on women in local government. Women’s access to and continued role in leadership positions is challenged by a range of barriers, including discriminatory laws and practices, as well as social norms that prescribe traditional roles and attitudes towards women’s participation in leadership and decision-making roles. Proactive gender-equality policies within political parties and local government structures, including quotas and special temporary measures, gender-sensitive approaches to electoral processes, support networks, mentoring, training, and engagement of male champions, can all help promote women’s role in political leadership. 

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World News

Pramila Patten, Executive Director a.i of UN Women, calls on the Taliban leadership to include women in the upcoming governance entity

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Pramila Patten, Executive Director a.i of UN Women, calls on the Taliban leadership to include women in the upcoming governance entity


"I take note of the public commitments made by the Taliban’s spokesperson to uphold women’s rights “within the framework of Islam”, including women’s right to work, to pursue higher education and to have an active role in society, as well as the right of girls to attend school. The immediate inclusion of women in the governance structure of the new leadership in Afghanistan will be the ultimate litmus test for the Taliban," stated Ms. Patten.

"I take note of the public commitments made by the Taliban’s spokesperson to uphold women’s rights “within the framework of Islam”, including women’s right to work, to pursue higher education and to have an active role in society, as well as the right of girls to attend school. The immediate inclusion of women in the governance structure of the new leadership in Afghanistan will be the ultimate litmus test for the Taliban," stated Ms. Patten.

World News

These female Afghan politicians are risking everything for their homeland

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These female Afghan politicians are risking everything for their homeland


The Taliban have taken over Afghanistan, but there are still forces of opposition attempting to maintain human rights in the country.

The Taliban have taken over Afghanistan, but there are still forces of opposition attempting to maintain human rights in the country.

Situational analysis of women's political participation in Botswana

August 13, 2021

Situational analysis of women's political participation in Botswana

With less than a decade to go to 2030, the deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals, women constitute just 11% of MPs and 18% of councillors in Botswana: well below the gender parity target and among the lowest proportions in Southern Africa.

With less than a decade to go to 2030, the deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals, women constitute just 11% of MPs and 18% of councillors in Botswana: well below the gender parity target and among the lowest proportions in Southern Africa.


Who is Kathy Hochul? N.Y. To Get First Female Governor

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August 11, 2021

Who is Kathy Hochul? N.Y. To Get First Female Governor

New York will get their first female governor after Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigned over sexual harassment allegations. Lt. Gov.

New York will get their first female governor after Gov. Andrew Cuomo resigned over sexual harassment allegations. Lt. Gov.

World News

Kathy Hochul to become New York’s first woman governor

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Kathy Hochul to become New York’s first woman governor


Kathy Hochul will take Andrew M. Cuomo’s place as governor of New York State once his resignation goes into effect in 14 days.

Ms. Hochul, New York State’s lieutenant governor, will become the first woman to lead New York State.

Kathy Hochul will take Andrew M. Cuomo’s place as governor of New York State once his resignation goes into effect in 14 days.

Ms. Hochul, New York State’s lieutenant governor, will become the first woman to lead New York State.

The authority gap: why women still aren’t taken seriously

August 10, 2021

The authority gap: why women still aren’t taken seriously

When journalist Mary Ann Sieghart set out to document the ways that women are held back by a cultural presumption of their inferiority, she found reams of data to support her case – and heard stories of how it affects even the most successful women i

When journalist Mary Ann Sieghart set out to document the ways that women are held back by a cultural presumption of their inferiority, she found reams of data to support her case – and heard stories of how it affects even the most successful women i

Why history matters for gender balance in political representation

August 3, 2021

Why history matters for gender balance in political representation

Why does the gender balance among politicians vary so substantially across different locations?

Why does the gender balance among politicians vary so substantially across different locations?

World News

Somalia's only female presidential candidate says time for women to lead

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Somalia's only female presidential candidate says time for women to lead


MOGADISHU, SOMALIA - Somalia's top leaders, all men, have struggled for years to tame the Horn of Africa nation's insecurity and corruption. Lawmaker Fawzia Yusuf Haji Adam says it's time for a woman's touch and on Tuesday announced her candidacy for president. But getting enough support from Somalia's lawmakers, the vast majority of them men, will be a challenge.

MOGADISHU, SOMALIA - Somalia's top leaders, all men, have struggled for years to tame the Horn of Africa nation's insecurity and corruption. Lawmaker Fawzia Yusuf Haji Adam says it's time for a woman's touch and on Tuesday announced her candidacy for president. But getting enough support from Somalia's lawmakers, the vast majority of them men, will be a challenge.