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Women's Leadership

While there have been important advances in women’s leadership in politics, as of November 1 2017, women make up only 7.2% of Heads of State and 6.2% Heads of Government. Data on women representatives in local government, including as mayors, heads of villages and towns, is not well collected and analyzed. The adoption of an SDG indicator on women’s representation in local government is a great step forward in tracking progress on gender balance, allowing for the systematic collection and analysis of data on women in local government. Women’s access to and continued role in leadership positions is challenged by a range of barriers, including discriminatory laws and practices, as well as social norms that prescribe traditional roles and attitudes towards women’s participation in leadership and decision-making roles. Proactive gender-equality policies within political parties and local government structures, including quotas and special temporary measures, gender-sensitive approaches to electoral processes, support networks, mentoring, training, and engagement of male champions, can all help promote women’s role in political leadership. 

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World News

In sweeping reshuffle, Spain’s Pedro Sánchez names younger Cabinet with more women

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In sweeping reshuffle, Spain’s Pedro Sánchez names younger Cabinet with more women


The Socialist leader hopes the changes will help focus on the economic recovery and smooth thorny issues such as Catalan independence before Spaniards vote in the next election.

Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has carried out a sweeping Cabinet reshuffle, replacing some of his most important ministers, boosting the representation of women and reducing the average age of his team.

The Socialist leader hopes the changes will help focus on the economic recovery and smooth thorny issues such as Catalan independence before Spaniards vote in the next election.

Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has carried out a sweeping Cabinet reshuffle, replacing some of his most important ministers, boosting the representation of women and reducing the average age of his team.

World News

Women in the Biden White House earn 99 cents for every $1 earned by men

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Women in the Biden White House earn 99 cents for every $1 earned by men


The Biden White House has the narrowest wage gap since the country started tracking it in 1995, according to salary data released Thursday.

President Joe Biden’s White House has the narrowest gender pay gap of any administration since 1995, according to new salary data released Thursday.

The Biden White House has the narrowest wage gap since the country started tracking it in 1995, according to salary data released Thursday.

President Joe Biden’s White House has the narrowest gender pay gap of any administration since 1995, according to new salary data released Thursday.

World News

Biden’s federal judicial picks are 77 percent women so far

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Biden’s federal judicial picks are 77 percent women so far


The president is on track to shatter previous records as he aims to nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court.

President Joe Biden has nominated or announced his intent to nominate a higher percentage of women to federal judgeships over the first six months of his presidency than any of his predecessors did during their terms, putting him on track to shatter previous records.

The president is on track to shatter previous records as he aims to nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court.

President Joe Biden has nominated or announced his intent to nominate a higher percentage of women to federal judgeships over the first six months of his presidency than any of his predecessors did during their terms, putting him on track to shatter previous records.


Seminar on Violence against Women in Politics

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June 28, 2021

Seminar on Violence against Women in Politics

In this seminar, Mona Lena Krook, Professor of Political Science and Chair of the Women and Politics Ph.D.

In this seminar, Mona Lena Krook, Professor of Political Science and Chair of the Women and Politics Ph.D.


Transformative women’s leadership: enhancing women’s participation & decision-making in public life

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June 24, 2021

Transformative women’s leadership: enhancing women’s participation & decision-making in public life

The event, which took place on 23rd March during the 65th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW65), focused on women in leadership, wo

The event, which took place on 23rd March during the 65th session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW65), focused on women in leadership, wo


Social media, politics, and gendered disinformation

June 23, 2021

Social media, politics, and gendered disinformation

Kristina Wilfore and Lucina Di Meco are global experts and passionate advocates for women’s digital rights.

Kristina Wilfore and Lucina Di Meco are global experts and passionate advocates for women’s digital rights.

From fake nudes to rape threats: how gendered disinformation is deployed to push women out of politics

June 17, 2021

From fake nudes to rape threats: how gendered disinformation is deployed to push women out of politics

For women political leaders, social media had the potential to be a big gamechanger.

For women political leaders, social media had the potential to be a big gamechanger.

World News

Robinah Nabbanja becomes Uganda’s first female prime minister

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Robinah Nabbanja becomes Uganda’s first female prime minister


Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Kakumiro Woman Member of Parliament Robinah Nabbanja has been approved by legislators as Uganda’s first female Prime Minister. Nabbanja will replace Dr Ruhakana Rugunda, now a special envoy in the Office of the President.

Kampala, Uganda | THE INDEPENDENT | Kakumiro Woman Member of Parliament Robinah Nabbanja has been approved by legislators as Uganda’s first female Prime Minister. Nabbanja will replace Dr Ruhakana Rugunda, now a special envoy in the Office of the President.