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Advocacy and Lobbying

Advocacy and lobbying are activities that represent and promote the needs of specific groups in political and social arenas. One such group is women, who can collectively pressure their leaders for legislative reforms to protect and promote women’s rights and concerns. It is the goal of advocacy groups and lobbyists to ensure that both the public and politicians understand and support their cause, so that it gains strength and credibility. Securing rights and gains for women requires coalition-building, funding, civic education, awareness-raising and individuals willing to lead the way.

While the goals of advocacy and lobbying are similar, the processes are distinctly different. Advocacy involves gaining and exercising power to influence a political action. Employing methods such as demonstrations, public campaigns and civic education, advocacy can be the primary mission of international agencies and civil society organizations seeking to influence global and national decision makers. Women worldwide frequently organize themselves for advocacy purposes, drawing on their collective power to affect legislation, official policies and governmental programs. Lobbying, however, refers to influencing the government and its leaders. Lobbyists attempt to sway policy makers and legislators to address specific issues, often by introducing or revising legislation and policy. Lobbying activities may include private meetings with decision makers, public campaigns and demonstrations.

World News

Global Leader's Meeting on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment

Submitted by admin2 on

Global Leader's Meeting on Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment


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‘Seven’ to Bring Stories of Real-Life Heroines to Betts Theatre


‘Seven’ to Bring Stories of Real-Life Heroines to Betts Theatre

Based on interviews with women who have fought for change in their home countries around the world, two versions of the acclaimed documentar


A Dream for Africa: Video Interview with Bineta Diop

Submitted by iKNOW Politics on
April 14, 2015

A Dream for Africa: Video Interview with Bineta Diop

For over 20 years, Bineta Diop has been a tireless advocate for gender equality in Africa and at the forefront of a gender-sensitive approach to conflict prevention.

For over 20 years, Bineta Diop has been a tireless advocate for gender equality in Africa and at the forefront of a gender-sensitive approach to conflict prevention.

World News

World News

China frees five women activists on bail after outcry

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China frees five women activists on bail after outcry


China has unexpectedly released five women activists on bail, two lawyers said on Monday, after a vocal campaign against their detention by the West and Chinese rights campaigners.

The women were taken into custody on the weekend of March 8, International Women's Day, and detained on suspicion of "picking quarrels and provoking trouble". They had planned to demonstrate against sexual harassment on public transport.

China has unexpectedly released five women activists on bail, two lawyers said on Monday, after a vocal campaign against their detention by the West and Chinese rights campaigners.

The women were taken into custody on the weekend of March 8, International Women's Day, and detained on suspicion of "picking quarrels and provoking trouble". They had planned to demonstrate against sexual harassment on public transport.

World News

Nigerian women asked to push for more political positions

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Nigerian women asked to push for more political positions


The wife of the Kwara State Governor, Mrs Omolewa Ahmed, has urged Nigerian women to partake in political activities in order to bring positive changes.

The wife of the Kwara State Governor, Mrs Omolewa Ahmed, has urged Nigerian women to partake in political activities in order to bring positive changes.

World News

What can we do to improve female representation in politics?

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What can we do to improve female representation in politics?


It’s no secret that women are vastly underrepresented at 

It’s no secret that women are vastly underrepresented at 

World News

International conference on women's political participation in Africa

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International conference on women's political participation in Africa


While on the 10th of December the world was celebrating Human Rights Day, in Bujumbura (Burundi) the International Conference on “Women’s Political Participation and their Role i

While on the 10th of December the world was celebrating Human Rights Day, in Bujumbura (Burundi) the International Conference on “Women’s Political Participation and their Role i

World News

A Rare Duel in Japan Vote as Abe Seeks to Keep Female Lawmakers

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A Rare Duel in Japan Vote as Abe Seeks to Keep Female Lawmakers


Megumi Kaneko stood on a podium in front of a poster of herself and dissolved into tears as she urged the mostly-male audience to pick her in this weekend’s Japanese election.

Megumi Kaneko stood on a podium in front of a poster of herself and dissolved into tears as she urged the mostly-male audience to pick her in this weekend’s Japanese election.