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Advocacy and Lobbying

Advocacy and lobbying are activities that represent and promote the needs of specific groups in political and social arenas. One such group is women, who can collectively pressure their leaders for legislative reforms to protect and promote women’s rights and concerns. It is the goal of advocacy groups and lobbyists to ensure that both the public and politicians understand and support their cause, so that it gains strength and credibility. Securing rights and gains for women requires coalition-building, funding, civic education, awareness-raising and individuals willing to lead the way.

While the goals of advocacy and lobbying are similar, the processes are distinctly different. Advocacy involves gaining and exercising power to influence a political action. Employing methods such as demonstrations, public campaigns and civic education, advocacy can be the primary mission of international agencies and civil society organizations seeking to influence global and national decision makers. Women worldwide frequently organize themselves for advocacy purposes, drawing on their collective power to affect legislation, official policies and governmental programs. Lobbying, however, refers to influencing the government and its leaders. Lobbyists attempt to sway policy makers and legislators to address specific issues, often by introducing or revising legislation and policy. Lobbying activities may include private meetings with decision makers, public campaigns and demonstrations.

World News

Norway's female MPs tell women to 'give a damn'

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Norway's female MPs tell women to 'give a damn'


'Maybe women deserve men setting the agenda," a conservative female politician said Friday as emotions ran high over a study that showed men know more about politics than women, and that the gender gap was wider in Norway than in comparable countries such as Australia.

'Maybe women deserve men setting the agenda," a conservative female politician said Friday as emotions ran high over a study that showed men know more about politics than women, and that the gender gap was wider in Norway than in comparable countries such as Australia.

World News

Zimbabwe’s Women Say They Still Lag Behind in Political Arena

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Zimbabwe’s Women Say They Still Lag Behind in Political Arena


HARARE — Zimbabweans go to the polls July 31 under a new constitution that some hoped would bring more women into politics. But, some women say the road to gender equity in Zimbabwean politics is a long one.  
Zimbabwe’s 2012 census shows that women comprise 52 percent of the population. But that demographic is not reflected in the political arena.

HARARE — Zimbabweans go to the polls July 31 under a new constitution that some hoped would bring more women into politics. But, some women say the road to gender equity in Zimbabwean politics is a long one.  
Zimbabwe’s 2012 census shows that women comprise 52 percent of the population. But that demographic is not reflected in the political arena.

World News

Premiers back national inquiry on missing aboriginal women

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Premiers back national inquiry on missing aboriginal women


Canada's premiers are backing a call by aboriginal leaders to launch a national public inquiry into the case of missing or murdered aboriginal women, CBC News has learned.

"The premiers at the table agreed to support the call of the Native Women's Association of Canada for a national public inquiry on this very, very important issue," Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne said.

Canada's premiers are backing a call by aboriginal leaders to launch a national public inquiry into the case of missing or murdered aboriginal women, CBC News has learned.

"The premiers at the table agreed to support the call of the Native Women's Association of Canada for a national public inquiry on this very, very important issue," Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne said.

World News

Beijing at 20: ECOSOC launches review of progress on women’s rights

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Beijing at 20: ECOSOC launches review of progress on women’s rights


The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has kick-started Beijing+20, a process to assess how far Member States and other stakeholders have come in implementing the commitments made at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China, in 1995. This action was part of a resolution on the future organization and methods of work proposed by the Commission on the Status of Women which ECOSOC adopted today. 

The United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) has kick-started Beijing+20, a process to assess how far Member States and other stakeholders have come in implementing the commitments made at the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing, China, in 1995. This action was part of a resolution on the future organization and methods of work proposed by the Commission on the Status of Women which ECOSOC adopted today. 

Norway's strategic plan 2011-13: Women, Peace and Security

July 23, 2013

Norway's strategic plan 2011-13: Women, Peace and Security

The participation of women in key decision-making processes related to peace and security is a goal in itself. Their contribution is also important in preventing, managing and resolving conflict, and not least in building up societies after conflict.
The participation of women in key decision-making processes related to peace and security is a goal in itself. Their contribution is also important in preventing, managing and resolving conflict, and not least in building up societies after conflict.

Do politics matter? Women in Swedish local elected assemblies 1970-2010 and gender equality in outcomes

July 22, 2013

Do politics matter? Women in Swedish local elected assemblies 1970-2010 and gender equality in outcomes

In this paper, it is attempted to explain variations in gender equality at the subnational level in Sweden.
In this paper, it is attempted to explain variations in gender equality at the subnational level in Sweden.

World News

Certain progress in tackling discrimination against women in Serbia

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Certain progress in tackling discrimination against women in Serbia


Serbia has made "certain progress", officials concluded at the session of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.

During the session, the Serbian government delegation presented the report on the implementation of the international Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

Serbia has made "certain progress", officials concluded at the session of the UN Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women.

During the session, the Serbian government delegation presented the report on the implementation of the international Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW).

World News

Advocacy group wants more women in politics, Ghana

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Advocacy group wants more women in politics, Ghana


Political parties in the country have been asked to ensure that at least 30 per cent of all elected positions at the districts, regional and national levels are occupied by women.

The electorate have also been advised to vote for more women to occupy political positions instead of always giving preference to men.

We invite our readers to read the full article published July 8 by Vibe Ghana

Political parties in the country have been asked to ensure that at least 30 per cent of all elected positions at the districts, regional and national levels are occupied by women.

The electorate have also been advised to vote for more women to occupy political positions instead of always giving preference to men.

We invite our readers to read the full article published July 8 by Vibe Ghana

World News

Don't blame women if we ignore what passes for politics

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Don't blame women if we ignore what passes for politics


A report claims women are less interested in current affairs. Maybe that's because of the level of discussion. Why are so many women so detached from politics? It is a mystery and one that only deepens with the publication of Gender Matters Globally, a study that compared the gender gap in political knowledge in 10 different nations and now, having concluded its research, uses the word "grim" to describe the prospects for female awareness in developing countries.

A report claims women are less interested in current affairs. Maybe that's because of the level of discussion. Why are so many women so detached from politics? It is a mystery and one that only deepens with the publication of Gender Matters Globally, a study that compared the gender gap in political knowledge in 10 different nations and now, having concluded its research, uses the word "grim" to describe the prospects for female awareness in developing countries.