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Advocacy and Lobbying

Advocacy and lobbying are activities that represent and promote the needs of specific groups in political and social arenas. One such group is women, who can collectively pressure their leaders for legislative reforms to protect and promote women’s rights and concerns. It is the goal of advocacy groups and lobbyists to ensure that both the public and politicians understand and support their cause, so that it gains strength and credibility. Securing rights and gains for women requires coalition-building, funding, civic education, awareness-raising and individuals willing to lead the way.

While the goals of advocacy and lobbying are similar, the processes are distinctly different. Advocacy involves gaining and exercising power to influence a political action. Employing methods such as demonstrations, public campaigns and civic education, advocacy can be the primary mission of international agencies and civil society organizations seeking to influence global and national decision makers. Women worldwide frequently organize themselves for advocacy purposes, drawing on their collective power to affect legislation, official policies and governmental programs. Lobbying, however, refers to influencing the government and its leaders. Lobbyists attempt to sway policy makers and legislators to address specific issues, often by introducing or revising legislation and policy. Lobbying activities may include private meetings with decision makers, public campaigns and demonstrations.

World News

No, It's Not Sexist to Describe Women Politicians' Clothes

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No, It's Not Sexist to Describe Women Politicians' Clothes


A new study disputes the claim that it harms female politicians when the media discuss their appearance.
I first found out I wasn't supposed to write about women politicians' clothes in 2006. Profiling the Democratic nominee for Nevada governor for the Las Vegas Review-Journal, I had described her as habitually wearing a "shapeless skirt suit."

A new study disputes the claim that it harms female politicians when the media discuss their appearance.
I first found out I wasn't supposed to write about women politicians' clothes in 2006. Profiling the Democratic nominee for Nevada governor for the Las Vegas Review-Journal, I had described her as habitually wearing a "shapeless skirt suit."

World News

Radio Drama Promotes women and youth political participation in northern Nigeria

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Radio Drama Promotes women and youth political participation in northern Nigeria


In one episode of the Nigerian radio drama Dukan Karshe, a young man and woman decide to run for their local council to correct injustices, including government funds being diverted from schools and hospitals to line the pockets of local politicians. “It is time for us as women to take part fully in politics,” the woman says. “We are the mothers. We know what is good for our community.”

We invite our users to read the full article published June 26 2013

In one episode of the Nigerian radio drama Dukan Karshe, a young man and woman decide to run for their local council to correct injustices, including government funds being diverted from schools and hospitals to line the pockets of local politicians. “It is time for us as women to take part fully in politics,” the woman says. “We are the mothers. We know what is good for our community.”

We invite our users to read the full article published June 26 2013

World News

Radio shows raise profile of women aspirants in Kenya

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Radio shows raise profile of women aspirants in Kenya


In Kenya’s male-dominated political landscape, women face many barriers to political participation, especially when seeking elective office. Aspiring women politicians often struggle with discrimination and lack of coverage by top media outlets, which makes it difficult for them to gain public exposure and support.

In Kenya’s male-dominated political landscape, women face many barriers to political participation, especially when seeking elective office. Aspiring women politicians often struggle with discrimination and lack of coverage by top media outlets, which makes it difficult for them to gain public exposure and support.

World News

Women in the Senate Confront the Military on Sex Assaults, USA

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Women in the Senate Confront the Military on Sex Assaults, USA


Senator Claire McCaskill wandered down the dais at the Senate Armed Services Committee’s first hearing of the year and noticed a startling tableau: women to the left, women to the right.

Senator Claire McCaskill wandered down the dais at the Senate Armed Services Committee’s first hearing of the year and noticed a startling tableau: women to the left, women to the right.

World News

Tunisia: Feminist Activists On Trial in Tunisia

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Tunisia: Feminist Activists On Trial in Tunisia


Members of the body-baring feminist group Femen are on trial in Tunisia for indecency and violating public morality in their bid to launch a "feminist spring" in Muslim countries.

Members of the body-baring feminist group Femen are on trial in Tunisia for indecency and violating public morality in their bid to launch a "feminist spring" in Muslim countries.

World News

Tanzania: Call for More Female Leaders At Grass-Roots Level

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Tanzania: Call for More Female Leaders At Grass-Roots Level


Women groups in Zanzibar have said that more needs to be done to encourage women into politics and leadership roles in rural areas. They argue that low representation leads to continued deprivation of women rights and lack of consideration of women issues from the community to the national level.

Women groups in Zanzibar have said that more needs to be done to encourage women into politics and leadership roles in rural areas. They argue that low representation leads to continued deprivation of women rights and lack of consideration of women issues from the community to the national level.

World News

Vanuatu women on track for seats in parliament, New Zealand

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Vanuatu women on track for seats in parliament, New Zealand


A women’s advocacy group in Vanuatu says it’s a big step to have ministers acknowledge that women deserve to have seats set aside for them in Parliament. The Council of Ministers have agreed that there should be a right for women to have seats in Parliament made especially for them.

A women’s advocacy group in Vanuatu says it’s a big step to have ministers acknowledge that women deserve to have seats set aside for them in Parliament. The Council of Ministers have agreed that there should be a right for women to have seats in Parliament made especially for them.

World News

100 years on from Emily Davison’s death, her battle is not yet won, UK

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100 years on from Emily Davison’s death, her battle is not yet won, UK


In April’s local elections, only one in three of those eligible to vote actually did so. What proportion of those voters were women? It’s difficult to get an exact percentage, but in most UK elections, women account for just under half of the turnout.

In April’s local elections, only one in three of those eligible to vote actually did so. What proportion of those voters were women? It’s difficult to get an exact percentage, but in most UK elections, women account for just under half of the turnout.