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Capacity Building

Although much of the iKNOW Politics network is dedicated to increasing women’s political knowledge and participation, there are a number of skills that, while not explicitly political, are necessary to succeed in politics.

World News

Afghanistan’s Success Will Be Measured By Women’s Progress

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Afghanistan’s Success Will Be Measured By Women’s Progress


While we were meeting with women journalists in Afghanistan this past May, another group of Afghan women journalists were in Washington, D.C., meeting with congressional staff members. The overlap was coincidental, but both groups of Afghan women recounted similar stories of their growing role in Afghan media and, more importantly, the fight for Afghanistan’s democracy.

While we were meeting with women journalists in Afghanistan this past May, another group of Afghan women journalists were in Washington, D.C., meeting with congressional staff members. The overlap was coincidental, but both groups of Afghan women recounted similar stories of their growing role in Afghan media and, more importantly, the fight for Afghanistan’s democracy.

World News

Women avoiding politics because they don’t want to fail, Zambia

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Women avoiding politics because they don’t want to fail, Zambia


MMD chairperson for Arts and Culture Elizabeth Chitika Mulobeka has noted that women are avoiding politics because they are scared of failure.

Ms. Mulobeka who is also former Kawambwa Member of Parliament said women do not want to be associated with failure and the current political atmosphere is not appealing to women as it sets them up for failure.

MMD chairperson for Arts and Culture Elizabeth Chitika Mulobeka has noted that women are avoiding politics because they are scared of failure.

Ms. Mulobeka who is also former Kawambwa Member of Parliament said women do not want to be associated with failure and the current political atmosphere is not appealing to women as it sets them up for failure.

Presentation on Youth, Development and Rights Diversity and Discrimination

June 24, 2014

Presentation on Youth, Development and Rights Diversity and Discrimination

The presentation given by Åshild Marie Vige fropm the Norwegian Children and Youth Council on "Barriers to political participation, focusing on the issues of diversi

The presentation given by Åshild Marie Vige fropm the Norwegian Children and Youth Council on "Barriers to political participation, focusing on the issues of diversi


Ikram Ben Said on "Advancing Women in Politics: The Gateway to Economic Empowerment"

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June 18, 2014

Ikram Ben Said on "Advancing Women in Politics: The Gateway to Economic Empowerment"

Social Media Guidelines for Parliaments

June 17, 2014

Social Media Guidelines for Parliaments

You cannot wait for the people to come to parliament; you need to go where the people are. Today, the people are on social media.

You cannot wait for the people to come to parliament; you need to go where the people are. Today, the people are on social media.



Challenges for international organizations working on women's issues

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June 17, 2014

Challenges for international organizations working on women's issues

iKNOW Politics Expert Caroline Hubbard speaks about the challenges international organizations face while working on women's rights issues.

iKNOW Politics Expert Caroline Hubbard speaks about the challenges international organizations face while working on women's rights issues.


Pacific Women’s Parliamentary Partnerships Forum 2014


Pacific Women’s Parliamentary Partnerships Forum 2014

Pacific Women’s Parliamentary Partnerships, funded by the Australian Government, will support the professional and skills development of Pacific women parliamentarians and

World News

Lives saved in Viet Nam by involving women in disaster planning

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Lives saved in Viet Nam by involving women in disaster planning


Through the training of women in disaster management, as well as national lobbying, the contribution of women has been recognized and a government decree now gives the Women’s Union an official space in decision-making bodies. 

For millions of people in rural Viet Nam, the impacts of climate change are mounting and sometimes deadly. As weather patterns change, many of Viet Nam’s women in particular are paying a high price.

Through the training of women in disaster management, as well as national lobbying, the contribution of women has been recognized and a government decree now gives the Women’s Union an official space in decision-making bodies. 

For millions of people in rural Viet Nam, the impacts of climate change are mounting and sometimes deadly. As weather patterns change, many of Viet Nam’s women in particular are paying a high price.