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Capacity Building

Although much of the iKNOW Politics network is dedicated to increasing women’s political knowledge and participation, there are a number of skills that, while not explicitly political, are necessary to succeed in politics.

Gender Equality in Education - Beyond Access

February 28, 2008

Gender Equality in Education - Beyond Access

This guide is designed to help education and gender campaigners, and organisations and coalitions, work more effectively with the media to promote gender-equitable education. It explores issues relating to gender equality in education and contains practical advice on working with the media.

This guide is designed to help education and gender campaigners, and organisations and coalitions, work more effectively with the media to promote gender-equitable education. It explores issues relating to gender equality in education and contains practical advice on working with the media.


Training of Trainers on Promoting Equality & Rights for Women for the Asia Pacific


Training of Trainers on Promoting Equality & Rights for Women for the Asia Pacific

Participants in the training will gain an understanding of the social construction of gender and the systemic nature of discrimination; the law and its potential to empower women; the international


Bridging the Gender Digital Divide: A Report on Gender and ICT in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States

January 17, 2008

Bridging the Gender Digital Divide: A Report on Gender and ICT in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States

This report maps the situation of gender and ICTs in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States, identifying trends, gaps, as well as some good practices.

This report maps the situation of gender and ICTs in Central and Eastern Europe and the Commonwealth of Independent States, identifying trends, gaps, as well as some good practices.

NDI’s Women’s Leadership Institute in Bolivia

January 16, 2008

NDI’s Women’s Leadership Institute in Bolivia

This report describes NDI’s Women’s Leadership Institute program offered to 35 Bolivian women to gain practical skills to transform their communities, political parties, and civil society.

This report describes NDI’s Women’s Leadership Institute program offered to 35 Bolivian women to gain practical skills to transform their communities, political parties, and civil society.


Civil Society Recommendations 2002-2006

December 9, 2007

Civil Society Recommendations 2002-2006

This document compiles civil society recommendations presented to the Organization of American States and the Summits of the Americas Process on issues pertaining to the Inter-American Agenda.

This document compiles civil society recommendations presented to the Organization of American States and the Summits of the Americas Process on issues pertaining to the Inter-American Agenda.

Effective party assistance: Stronger parties for better democracy

December 8, 2007

Effective party assistance: Stronger parties for better democracy

This policy paper calls for the party assistance community to develop joint principles for project needs assessment, monitoring of implementation and impact evaluation, that would make activities more effective and efficient.

This policy paper calls for the party assistance community to develop joint principles for project needs assessment, monitoring of implementation and impact evaluation, that would make activities more effective and efficient.