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Civil Society

Only 5% of Nigeria’s lawmakers are women. It’s about to get worse

October 24, 2022

Only 5% of Nigeria’s lawmakers are women. It’s about to get worse

Nigeria’s two dominant parties, ACP and PDP, have less than 6 per cent of their parliamentary candidates as women.

Nigeria’s two dominant parties, ACP and PDP, have less than 6 per cent of their parliamentary candidates as women.

World News

Many Iranian women demand political change amid decades-long grievances

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Many Iranian women demand political change amid decades-long grievances


DUBAI, Oct 12 (Reuters) - Like millions of other Iranian women, retired teacher Somayyeh has been repressed by the country's hardline Islamic laws for decades but was too frightened to stand up to ruling clerics - until Mahsa Amini's death in morality police custody last month.

DUBAI, Oct 12 (Reuters) - Like millions of other Iranian women, retired teacher Somayyeh has been repressed by the country's hardline Islamic laws for decades but was too frightened to stand up to ruling clerics - until Mahsa Amini's death in morality police custody last month.

Equal power now: Girls, young women and political participation

October 12, 2022

Equal power now: Girls, young women and political participation

This year’s State of the World’s Girls report is focused on girls’ and young women’s political participation.

This year’s State of the World’s Girls report is focused on girls’ and young women’s political participation.

World News

In the United Arab Emirates, UN Women Executive Director calls for increasing women’s leadership in global peace and security and climate action

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In the United Arab Emirates, UN Women Executive Director calls for increasing women’s leadership in global peace and security and climate action


UN Women Executive Director Sima Bahous carried out a two day mission in the United Arab Emirates, where she delivered opening remarks at the Women, Peace and Security conference held in Abu Dhabi, and met with government officials, civil society representatives and women peace advocates from around the Arab region and the world.    

UN Women Executive Director Sima Bahous carried out a two day mission in the United Arab Emirates, where she delivered opening remarks at the Women, Peace and Security conference held in Abu Dhabi, and met with government officials, civil society representatives and women peace advocates from around the Arab region and the world.    

World News

Leaders are asking for equal and visible representation of women in the COP 27 presidency and leadership team

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Leaders are asking for equal and visible representation of women in the COP 27 presidency and leadership team


We are facing a planetary emergency, and more than 500 leaders from around the world are coming together to ask the COP27 Presidency and all Leaders attending COP for equal representation and urgent action to solve the crisis.

We are facing a planetary emergency, and more than 500 leaders from around the world are coming together to ask the COP27 Presidency and all Leaders attending COP for equal representation and urgent action to solve the crisis.

UNDP’s Gender Equality Strategy 2022-2025

September 28, 2022

UNDP’s Gender Equality Strategy 2022-2025

UNDP’s Gender Equality Strategy 2022-2025, aligned with its Strategic Plan, guides UNDP in its efforts to assist countries in accelerating progress on gender equality and the empowerment of women over the next four years.

UNDP’s Gender Equality Strategy 2022-2025, aligned with its Strategic Plan, guides UNDP in its efforts to assist countries in accelerating progress on gender equality and the empowerment of women over the next four years.