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Civil Society


Promoting the role of youth in political and democratic spaces


Promoting the role of youth in political and democratic spaces

The first Summit for Democracy, held in December 2021, brought together leaders from government, civil society, and the private sector to set out an affirmative agen

The 10-Point Action Agenda: Advancing gender equality in crisis settings (10PAA)

November 11, 2022

The 10-Point Action Agenda: Advancing gender equality in crisis settings (10PAA)

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has developed a 10-Point Action Agenda for Advancing Gender Equality in Crisis Settings (10PAA), a roadmap to guide its development programming towards results that will help transform and advance gender equality in cris

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has developed a 10-Point Action Agenda for Advancing Gender Equality in Crisis Settings (10PAA), a roadmap to guide its development programming towards results that will help transform and advance gender equality in cris

World News

USA: Women in politics have to deal with more harassment and violence. A new database tracks the threats

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USA: Women in politics have to deal with more harassment and violence. A new database tracks the threats


World News

“Massive blind spot”: Anger at low proportion of women in Sunak’s cabinet

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“Massive blind spot”: Anger at low proportion of women in Sunak’s cabinet


Women’s groups express concern as just 23% of those named to new PM’s cabinet are female.

Women’s groups have reacted with concern and anger over the low representation of women in the new cabinet.

Women’s groups express concern as just 23% of those named to new PM’s cabinet are female.

Women’s groups have reacted with concern and anger over the low representation of women in the new cabinet.

Malaysia still far behind in women's political participation

November 7, 2022

Malaysia still far behind in women's political participation

MALAYSIA is viewed as progressive where gender equality and advancing women's rights are concerned.

MALAYSIA is viewed as progressive where gender equality and advancing women's rights are concerned.

Widening the lens: Reimagining leadership among young women of color

November 3, 2022

Widening the lens: Reimagining leadership among young women of color

There are many ways to step into political leadership in America, and how you go about it is often informed by your background, identity, and experiences.

There are many ways to step into political leadership in America, and how you go about it is often informed by your background, identity, and experiences.

Interventions to end online violence against women in politics

October 31, 2022

Interventions to end online violence against women in politics

Online violence against women in politics (OVAW-P) poses a deepening challenge to democracy, serving as a key tool of illiberalism and democratic backsliding across the globe.

Online violence against women in politics (OVAW-P) poses a deepening challenge to democracy, serving as a key tool of illiberalism and democratic backsliding across the globe.

Kenyan women lead peace efforts in longstanding conflicts

October 27, 2022

Kenyan women lead peace efforts in longstanding conflicts

Across Kenya, local conflicts driven by diverse factors have one thing in common: they’re increasingly being mediated by women.

Across Kenya, local conflicts driven by diverse factors have one thing in common: they’re increasingly being mediated by women.

India: Women in government fellowship

October 24, 2022

India: Women in government fellowship

The Women in Government Fellowship is a six-month program that is focused on capacity-building, training, and mentorship of women in politics. It seeks to enhance and improve the quality of political participation of women.

The Women in Government Fellowship is a six-month program that is focused on capacity-building, training, and mentorship of women in politics. It seeks to enhance and improve the quality of political participation of women.