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Civil Society

Emerging Trends in Women’s Participation in Politics in Africa

October 23, 2014

Emerging Trends in Women’s Participation in Politics in Africa

Women have traditionally been marginalised from the structures of state that determine political and legislative 

priorities. In recent years, Africa has witnessed rapid escalation in female political representation. This paper 

Women have traditionally been marginalised from the structures of state that determine political and legislative 

priorities. In recent years, Africa has witnessed rapid escalation in female political representation. This paper 

Women's political participation in Pakistan

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By Noran Elashi 

Women’s political participation and protection of women’s rights has always been a challenge in the Developing countries. Despite the fact that Pakistan is a developing country with a developing economy yet women have actively been attempting to take part in government, and development of female-oriented civil society.

World News

Girls on Film: A documentary series that finally puts women back in the history books

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Girls on Film: A documentary series that finally puts women back in the history books


In a perfect world, there would be no need for a media platform highlighting groundbreaking women in history. But if history has taught us anything, it's that female achievements are often forgotten or filtered out. Female journalists, spies, investigators, pilots, soldiers, and even cinematic pioneers are only now being rediscovered and added back into the historical narratives where they always belonged.

In a perfect world, there would be no need for a media platform highlighting groundbreaking women in history. But if history has taught us anything, it's that female achievements are often forgotten or filtered out. Female journalists, spies, investigators, pilots, soldiers, and even cinematic pioneers are only now being rediscovered and added back into the historical narratives where they always belonged.

World News

Girl guides venture into the political jungle: Movement calls for school lessons in 'body confidence' and equal numbers of men and women in Parliament in first manifesto

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Girl guides venture into the political jungle: Movement calls for school lessons in 'body confidence' and equal numbers of men and women in Parliament in first manifesto


The Girl Guides once taught young women to cope away from civilisation with camping trips and nature skills.

Now, they are more concerned with helping them face the challenges of modern life.

The youth group yesterday took its first step into politics, demanding school lessons in body confidence and equal numbers of men and women in Parliament.

The Girl Guides once taught young women to cope away from civilisation with camping trips and nature skills.

Now, they are more concerned with helping them face the challenges of modern life.

The youth group yesterday took its first step into politics, demanding school lessons in body confidence and equal numbers of men and women in Parliament.

World News

Yemeni women fight for greater representation

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Yemeni women fight for greater representation


Photo-Al Jazeera

After years of activism, Amal Basha's demands for guarantees of greater representation for women in the political system has finally edged closer to reality.

"Women have been fighting for it for a long time," said the prominent Yemeni human rights advocate, referring to the more than decade-long battle she and others have waged to secure women representation in public office in Yemen.

Photo-Al Jazeera

After years of activism, Amal Basha's demands for guarantees of greater representation for women in the political system has finally edged closer to reality.

"Women have been fighting for it for a long time," said the prominent Yemeni human rights advocate, referring to the more than decade-long battle she and others have waged to secure women representation in public office in Yemen.

World News

Jordanian initiative seeks political participation of women with disabilities

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Jordanian initiative seeks political participation of women with disabilities


Photo-I ama Huam Society

Reinforcing the political participation of women with disabilities is the goal of a new initiative launched by the "I am a Human Society", which advocates for the rights of people with disabilities.

The "I am a Woman... Half of Society" initiative began at the end of July in collaboration with the Stars of Hope foundation (Nujoom al-Amal) in Jordan and partners including ministries, organisations, women's unions and the Higher Council for Affairs of Persons with Disabilities.

Photo-I ama Huam Society

Reinforcing the political participation of women with disabilities is the goal of a new initiative launched by the "I am a Human Society", which advocates for the rights of people with disabilities.

The "I am a Woman... Half of Society" initiative began at the end of July in collaboration with the Stars of Hope foundation (Nujoom al-Amal) in Jordan and partners including ministries, organisations, women's unions and the Higher Council for Affairs of Persons with Disabilities.

Presentation Tunisian Women: Political role, Gains and Challenges

August 19, 2014

Presentation Tunisian Women: Political role, Gains and Challenges

Prepared and presented by Basma Soudani Belhadj (President  and founder of League of Tunisian Women Voters LET) and Najla Abbes  (board member and co-founder of LET): An overview of women's political participation after the 2011 revolution in Tunisia.

Prepared and presented by Basma Soudani Belhadj (President  and founder of League of Tunisian Women Voters LET) and Najla Abbes  (board member and co-founder of LET): An overview of women's political participation after the 2011 revolution in Tunisia.