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Constitution and Legislative Reform

Guaranteeing Equality between Women and Men in the Constitution

April 22, 2013

Guaranteeing Equality between Women and Men in the Constitution

A paper on gender sensitive constitution drafting in phases of transition.


A paper on gender sensitive constitution drafting in phases of transition.


World News

Zimbabweans say yes to new Constitution strong on gender equality and women's rights

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Zimbabweans say yes to new Constitution strong on gender equality and women's rights


“As a woman of Zimbabwe, I personally wanted a Constitution that is fit for me,” said Zimbabwe’s Deputy Minister of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development and Member of Parliament, Jessie Majome, who participated in Zimbabwe’s Constitution-making process as part of the Select Committee of Parliament that facilitated the process.

“As a woman of Zimbabwe, I personally wanted a Constitution that is fit for me,” said Zimbabwe’s Deputy Minister of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development and Member of Parliament, Jessie Majome, who participated in Zimbabwe’s Constitution-making process as part of the Select Committee of Parliament that facilitated the process.

World News

Leading political activist: Women ignored by Fiji's draft constitution

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Leading political activist: Women ignored by Fiji's draft constitution


Last month Prime Minister Commodore Frank Bainimarama announced that the draft Constitution was ready. He had promised that the draft and any amendments would be handled by a Constituent Assembly, but then he announced it would be presented directly to the people of Fiij, saying they would be the Constituent Assembly and they had two weeks to provide feedback.

Last month Prime Minister Commodore Frank Bainimarama announced that the draft Constitution was ready. He had promised that the draft and any amendments would be handled by a Constituent Assembly, but then he announced it would be presented directly to the people of Fiij, saying they would be the Constituent Assembly and they had two weeks to provide feedback.

World News

Zimbabwe: Exploit Constitution, Women Urged

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Zimbabwe: Exploit Constitution, Women Urged


The Ministry of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development says it will use the constitution to make sure that there are more women in decision-making positions in private and public institutions.

The Ministry of Women Affairs, Gender and Community Development says it will use the constitution to make sure that there are more women in decision-making positions in private and public institutions.

World News

New Constitution Helps Kenyan Women Gain Traction in Politics

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New Constitution Helps Kenyan Women Gain Traction in Politics


While Kenya’s disputed presidential race continues to take center stage, another race could radically transform politics at the local level: the election of women’s representatives in each of the 47 newly created counties across Kenya. As a result of constitutional provisions, more women will be represented in Kenya’s Parliament than ever before, a step forward for representative equality in a traditionally patriarchal society where political engagement is dominated by men.

While Kenya’s disputed presidential race continues to take center stage, another race could radically transform politics at the local level: the election of women’s representatives in each of the 47 newly created counties across Kenya. As a result of constitutional provisions, more women will be represented in Kenya’s Parliament than ever before, a step forward for representative equality in a traditionally patriarchal society where political engagement is dominated by men.

World News

Political and social rights: women after the Arab Spring

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Political and social rights: women after the Arab Spring


Women across the Middle East participated actively in what came to be called the Arab Spring that began in late 2010. Often seen as second-class and voiceless citizens in these male-dominant societies, they were a key force in the popular protests, which managed to topple autocratic regimes. They fought for their countries, their rights and their children’s rights. However, the Islamist forces now in power in several countries want to turn back the clock and restrict women’s rights to keep them out of politics.


Women across the Middle East participated actively in what came to be called the Arab Spring that began in late 2010. Often seen as second-class and voiceless citizens in these male-dominant societies, they were a key force in the popular protests, which managed to topple autocratic regimes. They fought for their countries, their rights and their children’s rights. However, the Islamist forces now in power in several countries want to turn back the clock and restrict women’s rights to keep them out of politics.


World News

Tanzania: Gender Balance Required in Constitutional Councils

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Tanzania: Gender Balance Required in Constitutional Councils


GENDER Forum and Constitution (GFC) has urged women to participate fully in the establishment of Ward constitutional councils to be formed shortly. "We as women need to see the extension of gender in the new constitution in order to promote women's rights and gender issues in general".

GENDER Forum and Constitution (GFC) has urged women to participate fully in the establishment of Ward constitutional councils to be formed shortly. "We as women need to see the extension of gender in the new constitution in order to promote women's rights and gender issues in general".

World News

More women in politics - how? , Scotland

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More women in politics - how? , Scotland


Could the debate on Scotland's future be an opportunity to push for a more equal society? That was the question posed at a conference in Edinburgh this week - which asked if our European counterparts have the right idea when it comes to getting more women into politics?

Could the debate on Scotland's future be an opportunity to push for a more equal society? That was the question posed at a conference in Edinburgh this week - which asked if our European counterparts have the right idea when it comes to getting more women into politics?

World News

Mixed feeling over reserved seats for women in Parliament, Zimbabwe

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Mixed feeling over reserved seats for women in Parliament, Zimbabwe


“I do not think that the constitution will improve or encourage women to participate in politics. In terms of the population we are more than men. Women are the ones who are voting men into power. We have women who are in Parliament who managed to beat their male counterparts [in elections]. We do not need the constitution to tell us to campaign for political office. We need courage, confidence and learn to support each other as women.” said a Bulawayo-based female journalist.

“I do not think that the constitution will improve or encourage women to participate in politics. In terms of the population we are more than men. Women are the ones who are voting men into power. We have women who are in Parliament who managed to beat their male counterparts [in elections]. We do not need the constitution to tell us to campaign for political office. We need courage, confidence and learn to support each other as women.” said a Bulawayo-based female journalist.