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Crisis response

Women leaders successfully fighting coronavirus show why we need a feminist foreign policy

May 27, 2020

Women leaders successfully fighting coronavirus show why we need a feminist foreign policy

How women are getting squeezed by the pandemic

May 27, 2020

How women are getting squeezed by the pandemic

By Francesca Donner,

The coronavirus has worsened existing social and economic inequalities, especially for women.

By Francesca Donner,

The coronavirus has worsened existing social and economic inequalities, especially for women.

World News

Chief raises $15M to expand network for women leaders [EN]

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Chief raises $15M to expand network for women leaders [EN]


Chief, the private network for women leaders, has raised $15 million in a new round of funding to expand into new cities.

Chief offers peer group experiences, an online platform, and event programming meant to connect and support women leaders.

The company is backed by investors including General Catalyst, GGV Capital and Primary Venture Partners, and has raised $40 million to date.

Chief, the private network for women leaders, has raised $15 million in a new round of funding to expand into new cities.

Chief offers peer group experiences, an online platform, and event programming meant to connect and support women leaders.

The company is backed by investors including General Catalyst, GGV Capital and Primary Venture Partners, and has raised $40 million to date.

Gender and crisis of COVID-19 in Tunisia: Challenges and recommendations

May 22, 2020

Gender and crisis of COVID-19 in Tunisia: Challenges and recommendations

This brief summarizes challenges and recommendations of the impact of the recent pandemic of COVID-19 in Tunisia on gender-based violence, access to justice, women and health, and women’s leadership and political participation.

This brief summarizes challenges and recommendations of the impact of the recent pandemic of COVID-19 in Tunisia on gender-based violence, access to justice, women and health, and women’s leadership and political participation.

Jacinda Ardern's global renown is great, but she must do more for women

May 22, 2020

Jacinda Ardern's global renown is great, but she must do more for women

The gendered dimensions of political leadership during the Covid-19 crisis has achieved global proportions, with headlines claiming that women are doing things differently, and with better results.

The gendered dimensions of political leadership during the Covid-19 crisis has achieved global proportions, with headlines claiming that women are doing things differently, and with better results.