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Crisis response

World News

UN Women calls women leaders for gender-sensitive Covid-19 response

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UN Women calls women leaders for gender-sensitive Covid-19 response


"Women in Turkey do five times as much domestic and care work than men. The Covid-19 crisis will likely deepen inequalities," says a guide by UN Women.

"Women in Turkey do five times as much domestic and care work than men. The Covid-19 crisis will likely deepen inequalities," says a guide by UN Women.

Organizations must take conscious steps for inclusive leadership: UN Women’s Naciri

June 1, 2020

Organizations must take conscious steps for inclusive leadership: UN Women’s Naciri

We are not living up to our own commitments to promote women's rights, and we are also harming the prospects for sustainable, inclusive, economic growth that research shows are within reach if we succeed in creating a more gender-equal economy and so

We are not living up to our own commitments to promote women's rights, and we are also harming the prospects for sustainable, inclusive, economic growth that research shows are within reach if we succeed in creating a more gender-equal economy and so

World News

Yemen’s first responders are women peace builders

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Yemen’s first responders are women peace builders


Since 2015 Food4Humanity Foundation, one of Yemen’s first women-led Civil Society Organization (CSO) non-profits, has engaged Yemeni women volunteers to work in areas most affected by poverty, famine, lack of humanitarian aid while also promoting civic values, charitable and responsible citizenship.

Since 2015 Food4Humanity Foundation, one of Yemen’s first women-led Civil Society Organization (CSO) non-profits, has engaged Yemeni women volunteers to work in areas most affected by poverty, famine, lack of humanitarian aid while also promoting civic values, charitable and responsible citizenship.

Summary of the e-Discussion on Women’s Leadership in the COVID-19 Response

June 1, 2020

Summary of the e-Discussion on Women’s Leadership in the COVID-19 Response

This e-Discussion raised awareness about the lack of women’s leadership and representation in COVID-19 relief and recovery decision-making and on the importance of incorporating gender-sensitive responses during and after the crisis.

This e-Discussion raised awareness about the lack of women’s leadership and representation in COVID-19 relief and recovery decision-making and on the importance of incorporating gender-sensitive responses during and after the crisis.


Getting trolled on the campaign trail: How candidates address online harassment and incivility


Getting trolled on the campaign trail: How candidates address online harassment and incivility

From before the COVID-19 pandemic forced a great many activities to go digital, social media has played an increasingly important role in local, provi

Iceland's Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir's key to leading through Coronavirus: ‘Put your ego as a politician aside’

May 27, 2020

Iceland's Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir's key to leading through Coronavirus: ‘Put your ego as a politician aside’

Iceland’s Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir says that humility and listening to the science have been the keys to leading her country through the coronavirus pandemic, and that she hopes the global outbreak will be an opportunity to revive global di

Iceland’s Prime Minister Katrín Jakobsdóttir says that humility and listening to the science have been the keys to leading her country through the coronavirus pandemic, and that she hopes the global outbreak will be an opportunity to revive global di