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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen


She ran she won: identifying and overcoming obstacles to getting elected to parliament

Submitted by iKNOW Politics on
February 12, 2015

She ran she won: identifying and overcoming obstacles to getting elected to parliament

iKNOW Politics has compiled video testimonies from women parliamentarians from all over the globe to create this video on identifying and overcoming obstacles that women women face when seeking ele

iKNOW Politics has compiled video testimonies from women parliamentarians from all over the globe to create this video on identifying and overcoming obstacles that women women face when seeking ele

World News

How Delhi keeps women out of elections

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How Delhi keeps women out of elections


With Kiran Bedi leading the Delhi election campaign for the Bharatiya Janata Party and Sheila Dixit already having been chief minister for three terms, it might appear that women have a significant role to play in Saturday's elections.

Instead, the data show that the percentage of female candidates has declined from 10.2% during the 2008 elections to 9.4% for the forthcoming elections.

Women make up 46.4% of the city’s 16.8 million people, yet the last two elections, in 2008 and 2013, returned only three female winners, a success rate of 3.7% and 4.2% respectively.

With Kiran Bedi leading the Delhi election campaign for the Bharatiya Janata Party and Sheila Dixit already having been chief minister for three terms, it might appear that women have a significant role to play in Saturday's elections.

Instead, the data show that the percentage of female candidates has declined from 10.2% during the 2008 elections to 9.4% for the forthcoming elections.

Women make up 46.4% of the city’s 16.8 million people, yet the last two elections, in 2008 and 2013, returned only three female winners, a success rate of 3.7% and 4.2% respectively.

World News

Hopes women will enter Myanmar politics

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Hopes women will enter Myanmar politics


There's strong hopes Myanmar (Burma) is on the cusp of electing more women to parliament when it goes to the polls later this year.

The country sits near the bottom of global rankings on women's parliamentary representation with less than six per cent of its politicians female.

Australia's ambassador for women and girls, Natasha Stott Despoja, has just wrapped up a two day visit to the once-reclusive state.


There's strong hopes Myanmar (Burma) is on the cusp of electing more women to parliament when it goes to the polls later this year.

The country sits near the bottom of global rankings on women's parliamentary representation with less than six per cent of its politicians female.

Australia's ambassador for women and girls, Natasha Stott Despoja, has just wrapped up a two day visit to the once-reclusive state.


World News

Israel's first ever ultra-Orthodox women’s party makes bold debut

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Israel's first ever ultra-Orthodox women’s party makes bold debut


The first-ever Israeli political party dedicated to ultra-Orthodox women, was unveiled Monday.

The first-ever Israeli political party dedicated to ultra-Orthodox women, was unveiled Monday.

The Flemish Parliament reaches a European top position in the percentage of women members

January 15, 2015

The Flemish Parliament reaches a European top position in the percentage of women members

Report on the impact of the electoral gender quotas on the Flemish Parliament elections held on 25 May 2014

Report on the impact of the electoral gender quotas on the Flemish Parliament elections held on 25 May 2014

World News

Women take 7 of Taiwan's 22 council speaker seats

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Women take 7 of Taiwan's 22 council speaker seats


A new day for women dawned in Taiwan Thursday, with females winning seven of the 22 city and county council speaker positions throughout the country.

 The seven are Wu Pi-chu of Taipei, Kang Yu-cheng of Kaohsiung city, Jao Ching-ling of Taitung county, Liu Chen Chao-ling of Penghu county, Sung Wei-li of Keelung city, Hsiao Shu-li of Chiayi city and Hung Li-ping of Kinmen county.

A new day for women dawned in Taiwan Thursday, with females winning seven of the 22 city and county council speaker positions throughout the country.

 The seven are Wu Pi-chu of Taipei, Kang Yu-cheng of Kaohsiung city, Jao Ching-ling of Taitung county, Liu Chen Chao-ling of Penghu county, Sung Wei-li of Keelung city, Hsiao Shu-li of Chiayi city and Hung Li-ping of Kinmen county.

On November the 19th 2014, Nicola Sturgeon became the first female Prime Minister of Scotland

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 by Lucile Huguet Scotland didn’t get enough Yes to become independent from England. However, the country is at a real turning point of its history. Scotland got its first female politician elected as head of the country. As we know, the No vote was predominant at the last referendum where people were asked if they wanted Scotland to remain part of the UK or not.

Gender quotas in single-member district electoral systems

December 11, 2014

Gender quotas in single-member district electoral systems

Conventional knowledge on the effectiveness of gender quotas for enhancing women’s political participation has, to date, been unanimous on the superiority of quotas in proportional representat

Conventional knowledge on the effectiveness of gender quotas for enhancing women’s political participation has, to date, been unanimous on the superiority of quotas in proportional representat

Public Perceptions of Women in Leadership

November 20, 2014

Public Perceptions of Women in Leadership

In the 2014 Fiji general election, 14% of elected parliamentarians were women. This percentage represents the largest proportion of women in Fiji’s parliament since independence in 1970.

In the 2014 Fiji general election, 14% of elected parliamentarians were women. This percentage represents the largest proportion of women in Fiji’s parliament since independence in 1970.