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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

Despite trailblazing victories by women, many girls reluctant to enter politics

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Despite trailblazing victories by women, many girls reluctant to enter politics


 The midterm elections brought landmark victories for female candidates. North country voters elected the first female sheriff in New York and the youngest female congresswoman in U.S. history. Yet even with more women than ever sitting in positions of political power, a recent study by the Girl Scouts shows that only 32 percent of girls and young women see themselves as future political leaders.

 The midterm elections brought landmark victories for female candidates. North country voters elected the first female sheriff in New York and the youngest female congresswoman in U.S. history. Yet even with more women than ever sitting in positions of political power, a recent study by the Girl Scouts shows that only 32 percent of girls and young women see themselves as future political leaders.

World News

Meet Elise Stefanik, the Youngest Woman Ever Elected to Congress

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Meet Elise Stefanik, the Youngest Woman Ever Elected to Congress


Republican Elise Stefanik has become the youngest woman elected to Congress in history, winning her race against Aaron Woolf in New York's 21st open district 56-32, ABC News projects.

Republican Elise Stefanik has become the youngest woman elected to Congress in history, winning her race against Aaron Woolf in New York's 21st open district 56-32, ABC News projects.

World News

There Are 100 Women in Congress for the First Time Ever

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There Are 100 Women in Congress for the First Time Ever


The gender breakdown of the next Congress is still to be determined, but a major milestone was reached Tuesday night: For the first time in American history, the number of women sitting in Congress will hit triple digits.

The gender breakdown of the next Congress is still to be determined, but a major milestone was reached Tuesday night: For the first time in American history, the number of women sitting in Congress will hit triple digits.

World News

Milestone: Alma Adams Victory Means 100 Women in Congress

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Milestone: Alma Adams Victory Means 100 Women in Congress


USA marked a milestone in Tuesday's midterm elections with the victory of Democrat Alma Adams, who became the 100th female member of Congress, the highest number in history. 

USA marked a milestone in Tuesday's midterm elections with the victory of Democrat Alma Adams, who became the 100th female member of Congress, the highest number in history. 

World News

Why 27 Influential Women Are Voting This November (And Why You Should Too)

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Why 27 Influential Women Are Voting This November (And Why You Should Too)


A conservative pundit thinks that women who read women's magazines want to be informed about shoes, not politics.

A conservative pundit thinks that women who read women's magazines want to be informed about shoes, not politics.

World News

Why Women Are the Supervoters in This Year's Midterm Elections, USA

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Why Women Are the Supervoters in This Year's Midterm Elections, USA


Women across the country do amazing and powerful things every day, but we have a special superpower right now: Our votes.

Women across the country do amazing and powerful things every day, but we have a special superpower right now: Our votes.

World News


Free eCourse: Gender-sensitive Governance: what does it look like and how can we work towards it?


Free eCourse: Gender-sensitive Governance: what does it look like and how can we work towards it?

This free web-based course provides participants with a general grounding in the current concepts of governance from a gender perspective and offers some examples and resources for applying these w