The gender breakdown of the next Congress is still to be determined, but a major milestone was reached Tuesday night: For the first time in American history, the number of women sitting in Congress will hit triple digits. Democrat Alma Adams of North Carolina won a special election for representative of the 12th Congressional District. Because it was a special election, she will be seated shortly and will not have to wait for January’s swearing-in ceremony, making her the 100th woman currently sitting in Congress.
We in vite our users to see the complete article published 5 November 2014
The gender breakdown of the next Congress is still to be determined, but a major milestone was reached Tuesday night: For the first time in American history, the number of women sitting in Congress will hit triple digits. Democrat Alma Adams of North Carolina won a special election for representative of the 12th Congressional District. Because it was a special election, she will be seated shortly and will not have to wait for January’s swearing-in ceremony, making her the 100th woman currently sitting in Congress.
We in vite our users to see the complete article published 5 November 2014