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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen


Twitter chat on women in the Slovenian Elections

July 1, 2014

Twitter chat on women in the Slovenian Elections

Twitter Chat with iKNOW Politics expert Sonia Lokar on women’s political participation during the electoral process and elections taking place July 13 in Slovenia.


Host:  @iKNOW_Politics

Twitter Chat with iKNOW Politics expert Sonia Lokar on women’s political participation during the electoral process and elections taking place July 13 in Slovenia.


Host:  @iKNOW_Politics

Gender quotas in Slovenia: A short analysis of failures and hopes

June 27, 2014

Gender quotas in Slovenia: A short analysis of failures and hopes

Slovenia is a Central-East European state entering the European Union as a kind of "success story‟.

Slovenia is a Central-East European state entering the European Union as a kind of "success story‟.

World News

Trinidadian women gain ground at the ballot box

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Trinidadian women gain ground at the ballot box


With support from UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality, the Network of NGOs in Trinidad and Tobago is training women to be more effective in running for election. They seek to learn the rules, use the rules and change the system.

We invite you to read the full article published June 27, 2014 by our partner, UN Women

With support from UN Women’s Fund for Gender Equality, the Network of NGOs in Trinidad and Tobago is training women to be more effective in running for election. They seek to learn the rules, use the rules and change the system.

We invite you to read the full article published June 27, 2014 by our partner, UN Women

World News

Lack of women in politics highlighted in official report, Ireland

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Lack of women in politics highlighted in official report, Ireland


The Department of Justice has reported to the United Nations that there are too few women in politics and other decision-making roles in Ireland.

In a gender equality report submitted to the UN’s Economic Commission for Europe, violence against women is described as a “persistent challenge” in Ireland.

The document also points to “gender segregation” in both education and the work force, “which may be impacting on the advancement of women into decision-making roles and on closing the gender pay gap”.

The Department of Justice has reported to the United Nations that there are too few women in politics and other decision-making roles in Ireland.

In a gender equality report submitted to the UN’s Economic Commission for Europe, violence against women is described as a “persistent challenge” in Ireland.

The document also points to “gender segregation” in both education and the work force, “which may be impacting on the advancement of women into decision-making roles and on closing the gender pay gap”.

World News

Law to boost female representation in municipalities passes, Israel

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Law to boost female representation in municipalities passes, Israel


A measure rewarding municipal parties with women on their lists became law Monday night, with 57 in favor and 14 against it, despite outspoken haredi opposition.

A measure rewarding municipal parties with women on their lists became law Monday night, with 57 in favor and 14 against it, despite outspoken haredi opposition.