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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

Why the hell has Europe voted in a feminist party?

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Why the hell has Europe voted in a feminist party?


Feminists of the world, unite and celebrate. The European Parliament has the first member to be elected on a feminist ticket.

Call me contrary, but I think that sounds like a defeat. Because if women need a separate party to represent them in Europe, that’s a clear indication mainstream politicians have forgotten about them.

Feminists of the world, unite and celebrate. The European Parliament has the first member to be elected on a feminist ticket.

Call me contrary, but I think that sounds like a defeat. Because if women need a separate party to represent them in Europe, that’s a clear indication mainstream politicians have forgotten about them.

World News

What Makes Successful Women Politicians? India

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What Makes Successful Women Politicians? India


Whoever thinks that women political leaders can’t survive the rough and tumble of electioneering and bring in the votes hasn’t met V. Sugnana Kumari Deo from Odisha. At 77, this senior Biju Janata Dal (BJD) legislator from Kabisuryanagar constituency in Ganjam district has the uncommon distinction of being the only woman to have been elected to the state assembly for a record tenth time in the just concluded elections to the Odisha state assembly.

Whoever thinks that women political leaders can’t survive the rough and tumble of electioneering and bring in the votes hasn’t met V. Sugnana Kumari Deo from Odisha. At 77, this senior Biju Janata Dal (BJD) legislator from Kabisuryanagar constituency in Ganjam district has the uncommon distinction of being the only woman to have been elected to the state assembly for a record tenth time in the just concluded elections to the Odisha state assembly.

World News

Teluk Intan Malays denounce bikini smear campaign against Dyana

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Teluk Intan Malays denounce bikini smear campaign against Dyana


The dissemination of posters featuring DAP’s Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud alongside a bikini-clad actress with whom she shares a striking facial resemblance has drawn outrage from several Malay residents in this usually placid town.

The photograph of Filipina actress Pauleen Luna, which was passed off as an image of the DAP hopeful, first emerged on the Internet when the 26-year-old lawyer was named for the May 31 race.

Two days ago, physical copies appeared in two Malay villages here, local PAS leaders said.

The dissemination of posters featuring DAP’s Dyana Sofya Mohd Daud alongside a bikini-clad actress with whom she shares a striking facial resemblance has drawn outrage from several Malay residents in this usually placid town.

The photograph of Filipina actress Pauleen Luna, which was passed off as an image of the DAP hopeful, first emerged on the Internet when the 26-year-old lawyer was named for the May 31 race.

Two days ago, physical copies appeared in two Malay villages here, local PAS leaders said.

World News

Egypt: Women Council Opposes Proposed Women Representation in Parliament

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Egypt: Women Council Opposes Proposed Women Representation in Parliament


Women were angered by the percentage allocated to their representation in the future parliament according to the new parliament law, the National Council for Women said on Thursday.

A committee formed by a presidential decree to draft this new law announced it yesterday.

Mervat Talawi, the council's head, said that the reason for this reaction from women is that approving the law in its current form is a wrong interpretation of the new constitution, a council statement said.

Women were angered by the percentage allocated to their representation in the future parliament according to the new parliament law, the National Council for Women said on Thursday.

A committee formed by a presidential decree to draft this new law announced it yesterday.

Mervat Talawi, the council's head, said that the reason for this reaction from women is that approving the law in its current form is a wrong interpretation of the new constitution, a council statement said.

World News

Will Narendra Modi government bring in the Women's Reservation Bill?

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Will Narendra Modi government bring in the Women's Reservation Bill?


The 2014 Lok Sabha elections saw many highs for women. 

Does this mean that finally the Women’s Reservation Bill and others Bills pertaining to women’s representation, security and development will be passed?

The 16th Lok Sabha will have the highest number of women MPs since the first election in 1952, 61. It had the maximum number of women candidates, 668 and the highest women voter turnout in numbers. 

The 2014 Lok Sabha elections saw many highs for women. 

Does this mean that finally the Women’s Reservation Bill and others Bills pertaining to women’s representation, security and development will be passed?

The 16th Lok Sabha will have the highest number of women MPs since the first election in 1952, 61. It had the maximum number of women candidates, 668 and the highest women voter turnout in numbers. 

Why the European Parliament Elections Matter

May 22, 2014

Why the European Parliament Elections Matter

Voters in all 28 member states of the European Union (EU) will go to the polls May 22–25, 2014, to elect representatives to the 751-seat European Parliament.

Voters in all 28 member states of the European Union (EU) will go to the polls May 22–25, 2014, to elect representatives to the 751-seat European Parliament.

European Elections 2014: Gender Perspective

May 22, 2014

European Elections 2014: Gender Perspective

Voters in the EU will elect the 751 Members of the European Parliament during the European elections of 22-25 May 2014. The new European Parliament, representing the interests of over 500 million citizens, will shape European legislation over the next five years.
Voters in the EU will elect the 751 Members of the European Parliament during the European elections of 22-25 May 2014. The new European Parliament, representing the interests of over 500 million citizens, will shape European legislation over the next five years.

Electoral Gender Quota Systems and their Implementation in Europe

May 22, 2014

Electoral Gender Quota Systems and their Implementation in Europe

The note is an updated version of the 2011 study Electoral Gender Quotas and Their Implementation in Europe (PE 408.309), and it maps the diffusion of electoral gender quotas in the 30 EU/EEA countries and evaluates the effectiveness of different quota types in different electora
The note is an updated version of the 2011 study Electoral Gender Quotas and Their Implementation in Europe (PE 408.309), and it maps the diffusion of electoral gender quotas in the 30 EU/EEA countries and evaluates the effectiveness of different quota types in different electora

World News

Lose an Election? If You're Female, It May Have Been Because Of Your Eyebrows

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Lose an Election? If You're Female, It May Have Been Because Of Your Eyebrows


Big brows may be trendy, but the American public’s sense of propriety gets inflamed if they’re on a female elected official’s face. According to a recent study from Dartmouth University, and published in Social Psychological and Personality Science, female candidates are less likely to win elections in conservative states if their faces have mannish, or gender atypical, features. That includes thick eyebrows, ladies.

Big brows may be trendy, but the American public’s sense of propriety gets inflamed if they’re on a female elected official’s face. According to a recent study from Dartmouth University, and published in Social Psychological and Personality Science, female candidates are less likely to win elections in conservative states if their faces have mannish, or gender atypical, features. That includes thick eyebrows, ladies.