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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

International IDEA’s Electoral Risk Management Tool re-launched

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International IDEA’s Electoral Risk Management Tool re-launched


Join the growing community of users -register your interest and receive your ERM Tool license today!

Join the growing community of users -register your interest and receive your ERM Tool license today!

Egypt women: Rights on paper, not yet on ground

May 8, 2014

Egypt women: Rights on paper, not yet on ground

Women activists say they won a major step forward with Egypt's new constitution, which enshrined greater rights for women. But months after its passage, they're worrying whether those rights will be implemented or will turn out to be merely ink on paper.

Women activists say they won a major step forward with Egypt's new constitution, which enshrined greater rights for women. But months after its passage, they're worrying whether those rights will be implemented or will turn out to be merely ink on paper.

Libya Status of Women Report 2013

May 6, 2014

Libya Status of Women Report 2013

As Libya transitions out of the 42-year autocratic rule of the Muammar Qaddafi regime, an urgent theme has emerged: the need to safeguard women’s participation as Libya codifies human rights in national legislation and establishes government institutions and services. 

As Libya transitions out of the 42-year autocratic rule of the Muammar Qaddafi regime, an urgent theme has emerged: the need to safeguard women’s participation as Libya codifies human rights in national legislation and establishes government institutions and services. 


A Study of Youth Political Participation in Poland and Romania

April 30, 2014

A Study of Youth Political Participation in Poland and Romania

Although perceived changes in political participation patterns amongst young people in recent years have attracted much academic research in established democracies this remains an understudied area in
Although perceived changes in political participation patterns amongst young people in recent years have attracted much academic research in established democracies this remains an understudied area in

World News

Women’s participation in Slovene politics

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Women’s participation in Slovene politics


“Slovene politics is no longer a boys-only game”, said the Slovene prime minister Alenka Bratušek on 8.3.2013. 

“Slovene politics is no longer a boys-only game”, said the Slovene prime minister Alenka Bratušek on 8.3.2013. 

World News

Women Candidates selected to run for Labour in the Local Elections 2014, UK

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Women Candidates selected to run for Labour in the Local Elections 2014, UK


As it stands today, Tuesday 29th April 2014, 187 Labour Party candidates have been selected to run in the Local Elections in May 2014. Currently 55 of these candidates are women which is just under thirty percent (29.4%). Seventeen of the fifty-five female candidates, (31%) are first time candidates. 

Labour Women will be rolling out a range of supports for all our local election candidates including mentoring, training, (wo)man power for help with canvassing and drops and financial support in 2014.

As it stands today, Tuesday 29th April 2014, 187 Labour Party candidates have been selected to run in the Local Elections in May 2014. Currently 55 of these candidates are women which is just under thirty percent (29.4%). Seventeen of the fifty-five female candidates, (31%) are first time candidates. 

Labour Women will be rolling out a range of supports for all our local election candidates including mentoring, training, (wo)man power for help with canvassing and drops and financial support in 2014.