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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

Pacific women gather in Fiji to boost representation in politics

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Pacific women gather in Fiji to boost representation in politics


A group of Pacific women politicians and leaders have met in Fiji to find ways to boost the number of Pacific women in elected positions.

The Pacific has the lowest number of women in government in the world at just 4-point-7 percent.

Twenty women from seven Pacific Islands states came together for a workshop in Fiji last week, which was organised by the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development and the Fiji Women's Rights Movement

A group of Pacific women politicians and leaders have met in Fiji to find ways to boost the number of Pacific women in elected positions.

The Pacific has the lowest number of women in government in the world at just 4-point-7 percent.

Twenty women from seven Pacific Islands states came together for a workshop in Fiji last week, which was organised by the Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development and the Fiji Women's Rights Movement

World News

Afghan Youth Debates: Women's Limited Role in Politics Under Threat

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Afghan Youth Debates: Women's Limited Role in Politics Under Threat


Efforts to boost the participation of women in Afghan politics are in serious jeopardy, an IWPR debate has heard.

Noor Mohammad Noor, a spokesman for the Independent Elections Commission (IEC), said that attitudes towards female members of parliament and provincial councillors remained "backward" and that it was proving difficult to change public perceptions.

Addressing more than 20 students from universities in Kabul and Nangarhar, he claimed legislation passed in July last year to reduce the number of provincial council seats reserved for women was a mistake.

Efforts to boost the participation of women in Afghan politics are in serious jeopardy, an IWPR debate has heard.

Noor Mohammad Noor, a spokesman for the Independent Elections Commission (IEC), said that attitudes towards female members of parliament and provincial councillors remained "backward" and that it was proving difficult to change public perceptions.

Addressing more than 20 students from universities in Kabul and Nangarhar, he claimed legislation passed in July last year to reduce the number of provincial council seats reserved for women was a mistake.

World News

Growing Number of Kentucky Women Running for State Legislature

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Growing Number of Kentucky Women Running for State Legislature


A growing number of women are vying for seats in the Kentucky General Assembly this year.

Of the 220 candidates running for either the state House or Senate in the 2014 election cycle, about 20 percent are women.

That’s a five-point increase compared to four years ago when the same offices were up for a vote.

We invite you to read the full article published February 3, 2014

A growing number of women are vying for seats in the Kentucky General Assembly this year.

Of the 220 candidates running for either the state House or Senate in the 2014 election cycle, about 20 percent are women.

That’s a five-point increase compared to four years ago when the same offices were up for a vote.

We invite you to read the full article published February 3, 2014

World News

NCW demands 100 out of 444 parliamentary seats for women, Egypt

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NCW demands 100 out of 444 parliamentary seats for women, Egypt


Women should have at least 100 of the 444 seats in the next parliament, the National Council for Women said in a statement Thursday.

Representation of women should be proportionate to their weight in society and their wide-scale participation in the constitutional referendum, NCW said, adding that an opportunity should be given to women to change the stereotypical idea of their role.

Women should have at least 100 of the 444 seats in the next parliament, the National Council for Women said in a statement Thursday.

Representation of women should be proportionate to their weight in society and their wide-scale participation in the constitutional referendum, NCW said, adding that an opportunity should be given to women to change the stereotypical idea of their role.

World News

Less than a quarter of candidates running in the local elections are women, Ireland

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Less than a quarter of candidates running in the local elections are women, Ireland


POLITICAL PARTIES HAVE been busy over recent weeks and months making selections for the upcoming local elections.

Research from Women for Election shows that of the 1278 selections made already by political parties, just 24 per cent are women.

Not all selections have been made, but to date, the majority of the large political parties are seriously lagging behind in achieving gender balance for their local candidates.

POLITICAL PARTIES HAVE been busy over recent weeks and months making selections for the upcoming local elections.

Research from Women for Election shows that of the 1278 selections made already by political parties, just 24 per cent are women.

Not all selections have been made, but to date, the majority of the large political parties are seriously lagging behind in achieving gender balance for their local candidates.

World News

El Salvador elections: Putting women's right on the agenda

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El Salvador elections: Putting women's right on the agenda


Jenny Pierce's recent piece about El Salvador on the Inter-American Development Bank's blog, Sin Miedos, questioned where women's voices fit into discussions surrounding the (in)famous gang truce brokered in 2012.

Jenny Pierce's recent piece about El Salvador on the Inter-American Development Bank's blog, Sin Miedos, questioned where women's voices fit into discussions surrounding the (in)famous gang truce brokered in 2012.

World News

Thailand elections: Politics of crisis

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Thailand elections: Politics of crisis


A state of emergency, streets paralyzed with protesters, the fatal shooting of a leading pro-government activist and an election campaign teetering on chaos may not sound like the script from a rising Southeast Asian economic powerhouse.

But for Thailand -- which manages to combine economic success and political mayhem in equal measure -- this weekend's elections are just another page in an eight-year struggle between supporters and opponents of Thaksin Shinawatra.

A state of emergency, streets paralyzed with protesters, the fatal shooting of a leading pro-government activist and an election campaign teetering on chaos may not sound like the script from a rising Southeast Asian economic powerhouse.

But for Thailand -- which manages to combine economic success and political mayhem in equal measure -- this weekend's elections are just another page in an eight-year struggle between supporters and opponents of Thaksin Shinawatra.

World News

The Primaries are Coming, are Women Running in Your State?

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The Primaries are Coming, are Women Running in Your State?


There's still an opportunity for women to in increase their representation during this year's mid-term elections.

A new report from Rutgers' Center for American Women and Politics studying the 34 states holding U.S. Senate elections in 2014 shows an opportunity for women to make history. There is a lot more estrogen on the ballots.

There's still an opportunity for women to in increase their representation during this year's mid-term elections.

A new report from Rutgers' Center for American Women and Politics studying the 34 states holding U.S. Senate elections in 2014 shows an opportunity for women to make history. There is a lot more estrogen on the ballots.