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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

Chilean student leader Camila Vallejo elected to Congress

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Chilean student leader Camila Vallejo elected to Congress


Camila Vallejo, who helped spearhead Chile's student uprising in 2011,has been elected to Congress alongside three other former university leaders, underscoring a generational shift in the country's politics.

Camila Vallejo, who helped spearhead Chile's student uprising in 2011,has been elected to Congress alongside three other former university leaders, underscoring a generational shift in the country's politics.

World News

Sonia Gandhi holds rally in Mizoram, lures youth and women voters

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Sonia Gandhi holds rally in Mizoram, lures youth and women voters


Congress president Sonia Gandhi sought to lure voters at a rally in Mizoram's Lunglei town on Monday with the prospect of joint sharing on a 50-50 basis the profits from oil and natural gas proceeds from the state.

Indigenous rights groups and opposition parties had been protesting against previous sharing agreements in which Mizoram was set to receive only 10-12 percent of profits.

Congress president Sonia Gandhi sought to lure voters at a rally in Mizoram's Lunglei town on Monday with the prospect of joint sharing on a 50-50 basis the profits from oil and natural gas proceeds from the state.

Indigenous rights groups and opposition parties had been protesting against previous sharing agreements in which Mizoram was set to receive only 10-12 percent of profits.

World News

What do we look for in women’s political representation?

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What do we look for in women’s political representation?


There’s something I need to get off my chest. It’s been weighing on me, and I want to come clean before the next election cycle: I didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton in the 2008 primary. That fact is only controversial because I’m a women’s advocate by trade, and there are certain feminist circles in which anything less than full-throated Hillary support is tantamount to heresy.

There’s something I need to get off my chest. It’s been weighing on me, and I want to come clean before the next election cycle: I didn’t vote for Hillary Clinton in the 2008 primary. That fact is only controversial because I’m a women’s advocate by trade, and there are certain feminist circles in which anything less than full-throated Hillary support is tantamount to heresy.

World News

Rwanda: Women Leaders Elect New Representatives to Council

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Rwanda: Women Leaders Elect New Representatives to Council


The National Women Council (NWC) has elected two new members to its board.

Beatrice Mukasine and Liberatha Kakuze were elected to the council executive for a five-year term during a general assembly on Thursday at Nyandungu in Kigali.

Mukasine was elected as the new national coordinator for NWC, replacing Francesca Tengera, who was elected to Parliament in the September polls.

We invite you to read the full article published November 16, 2013

The National Women Council (NWC) has elected two new members to its board.

Beatrice Mukasine and Liberatha Kakuze were elected to the council executive for a five-year term during a general assembly on Thursday at Nyandungu in Kigali.

Mukasine was elected as the new national coordinator for NWC, replacing Francesca Tengera, who was elected to Parliament in the September polls.

We invite you to read the full article published November 16, 2013

World News

Chile's election: A tale of two daughters

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Chile's election: A tale of two daughters


Chile holds a presidential election on Sunday and both frontrunners are women - the socialist Michelle Bachelet and her right-wing rival Evelyn Matthei.

In a region where politics is still very much a man's game, that, in itself, is remarkable enough, but when one considers the relationship between the two women, it becomes more extraordinary still.

Ms Bachelet and Ms Matthei went to the same primary school and played together as kids.

Chile holds a presidential election on Sunday and both frontrunners are women - the socialist Michelle Bachelet and her right-wing rival Evelyn Matthei.

In a region where politics is still very much a man's game, that, in itself, is remarkable enough, but when one considers the relationship between the two women, it becomes more extraordinary still.

Ms Bachelet and Ms Matthei went to the same primary school and played together as kids.

World News

Percentage of women in Parliament better than a decade ago: Low Yen Ling

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Percentage of women in Parliament better than a decade ago: Low Yen Ling


The percentage of women in Singapore's Parliament is better compared to a decade ago and it is more important to anchor political representation on meritocracy rather than impose gender quotas, Parliamentary Secretary for Ministry of Social and Family Development Low Yen Ling said on Tuesday.

Out of 99 seats in the House, 25 are currently occupied by women.

The percentage of women in Singapore's Parliament is better compared to a decade ago and it is more important to anchor political representation on meritocracy rather than impose gender quotas, Parliamentary Secretary for Ministry of Social and Family Development Low Yen Ling said on Tuesday.

Out of 99 seats in the House, 25 are currently occupied by women.

World News

Westminster has enough women, say 40% of men

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Westminster has enough women, say 40% of men


A poll published today suggests that almost 40 per cent of men in the UK think that there are enough women in Parliament.

In contrast, only 13 per cent of women quizzed for the survey said their sex was properly represented.

A poll published today suggests that almost 40 per cent of men in the UK think that there are enough women in Parliament.

In contrast, only 13 per cent of women quizzed for the survey said their sex was properly represented.

World News

Helen Clark:Speech at the International Conference 'Celebrating the Centenary of Women’s Right to Vote in Norway'

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Helen Clark:Speech at the International Conference 'Celebrating the Centenary of Women’s Right to Vote in Norway'


World News

Swaziland Has the Lowest Number of Women in Parliament

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Swaziland Has the Lowest Number of Women in Parliament


Following the elections and recent government appointments made by King Mswati and members of parliament (MPs), Swaziland has hit rock bottom in women's representation in government, just at the time when the country should be giving its last push for gender equality before 2015.

There is no hope that Swaziland will reach the SADC Gender Protocol target of 50% women in all areas of decision-making by 2015.

Following the elections and recent government appointments made by King Mswati and members of parliament (MPs), Swaziland has hit rock bottom in women's representation in government, just at the time when the country should be giving its last push for gender equality before 2015.

There is no hope that Swaziland will reach the SADC Gender Protocol target of 50% women in all areas of decision-making by 2015.