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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

USA: These 2022 candidates made history with their election wins

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USA: These 2022 candidates made history with their election wins


As the results from the midterm elections started pouring in Tuesday night, a number of candidates made history. So far, there have been barriers broken by women including women of color, young people, and members of the LGBTQ community.

Here’s a rundown of some of the most high-profile wins. This list will continue to be updated as votes are counted and races are called.

First openly lesbian governor

As the results from the midterm elections started pouring in Tuesday night, a number of candidates made history. So far, there have been barriers broken by women including women of color, young people, and members of the LGBTQ community.

Here’s a rundown of some of the most high-profile wins. This list will continue to be updated as votes are counted and races are called.

First openly lesbian governor

Malaysia still far behind in women's political participation

November 7, 2022

Malaysia still far behind in women's political participation

MALAYSIA is viewed as progressive where gender equality and advancing women's rights are concerned.

MALAYSIA is viewed as progressive where gender equality and advancing women's rights are concerned.

World News

Political leaders commit to 30% women representation in elections

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Political leaders commit to 30% women representation in elections


KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 5 — Leaders from various political parties today were all on the same page in their commitment to achieving the target of fielding 30 per cent women candidates in elections, in turn increasing female representation in the country’s legislative bodies.

DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke Siew Fook said the party will field more female candidates in the 15th general election (GE15) compared to GE14.

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 5 — Leaders from various political parties today were all on the same page in their commitment to achieving the target of fielding 30 per cent women candidates in elections, in turn increasing female representation in the country’s legislative bodies.

DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke Siew Fook said the party will field more female candidates in the 15th general election (GE15) compared to GE14.

World News

Denmark elects record 44% women to parliament with female PM set to win another term

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Denmark elects record 44% women to parliament with female PM set to win another term


  • Number of women in legislature jumps to highest after election
  • Female prime minister is also likely to win another term

Danes elected a record number of women into the national parliament in this week’s general election, which is also set to pave the way for another term for the Nordic country’s female prime minister.

  • Number of women in legislature jumps to highest after election
  • Female prime minister is also likely to win another term

Danes elected a record number of women into the national parliament in this week’s general election, which is also set to pave the way for another term for the Nordic country’s female prime minister.

World News

Female politicians disadvantaged by online prejudices and stereotypes

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Female politicians disadvantaged by online prejudices and stereotypes



In Reddit comments, female politicians are more likely to be referred to by their first names, and with a less professional focus, than their male counterparts. This a new study from the University of Copenhagen finds. Previous work from the researchers investigated gender differences in search engine results and language models with the same main conclusion: gender bias is widespread online. According to the researchers, this disadvantages female politicians.


In Reddit comments, female politicians are more likely to be referred to by their first names, and with a less professional focus, than their male counterparts. This a new study from the University of Copenhagen finds. Previous work from the researchers investigated gender differences in search engine results and language models with the same main conclusion: gender bias is widespread online. According to the researchers, this disadvantages female politicians.

Gender gains overshadowed by constitutional violation: An analysis of the situation for women in politics after the 2022 Kenya elections

November 4, 2022

Gender gains overshadowed by constitutional violation: An analysis of the situation for women in politics after the 2022 Kenya elections

From a gender perspective, three main lessons can be learnt from the general election. First, gender issues are on the rise, a fact shown not least by the appointment of the first-ever women running mate for one of the two main presidential candidates.

From a gender perspective, three main lessons can be learnt from the general election. First, gender issues are on the rise, a fact shown not least by the appointment of the first-ever women running mate for one of the two main presidential candidates.

Gender and violence against political candidates: Lessons from Sri Lanka

November 3, 2022

Gender and violence against political candidates: Lessons from Sri Lanka

A nascent body of literature has highlighter the violence (broadly defined) that women sometimes face as they enter politics. Some interpretations depict this violence as primarily gender motivated: women politicians are targeted because they are women.

A nascent body of literature has highlighter the violence (broadly defined) that women sometimes face as they enter politics. Some interpretations depict this violence as primarily gender motivated: women politicians are targeted because they are women.

Widening the lens: Reimagining leadership among young women of color

November 3, 2022

Widening the lens: Reimagining leadership among young women of color

There are many ways to step into political leadership in America, and how you go about it is often informed by your background, identity, and experiences.

There are many ways to step into political leadership in America, and how you go about it is often informed by your background, identity, and experiences.

World News

Eight out of 65 seats: Who are the women of Israel's newly elected government?

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Eight out of 65 seats: Who are the women of Israel's newly elected government?


Overnight, Israel saw the number of women in the government shrink from 24 seats to just eight. Who are the women of Israel's new government?

Despite making up just over 50% of Israeli society today, women will not find themselves equally represented in the soon-to-be-formed government coalition, with just eight women having secured themselves a place in the 65-seat majority coalition. Or, to put it into percentages, just 12.31% of the new coalition will be women.

Overnight, Israel saw the number of women in the government shrink from 24 seats to just eight. Who are the women of Israel's new government?

Despite making up just over 50% of Israeli society today, women will not find themselves equally represented in the soon-to-be-formed government coalition, with just eight women having secured themselves a place in the 65-seat majority coalition. Or, to put it into percentages, just 12.31% of the new coalition will be women.