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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

Indonesia: 2024 election could be nadir of women's representation, say analysts

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Indonesia: 2024 election could be nadir of women's representation, say analysts


Political parties claim to have met the minimum national quota of 30 percent for female candidates, but a recent report has found that only one party competing in the 2024 legislative election meets the requirement at the district level. For two decades since the enactment of the 2003 Legislative Elections Law, each political party contesting a legislative election has been required to field a cohort of candidates of which at least 30 percent are female.

Political parties claim to have met the minimum national quota of 30 percent for female candidates, but a recent report has found that only one party competing in the 2024 legislative election meets the requirement at the district level. For two decades since the enactment of the 2003 Legislative Elections Law, each political party contesting a legislative election has been required to field a cohort of candidates of which at least 30 percent are female.

World News

Women in power: the push to get more diverse female candidates in Australian elections

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Women in power: the push to get more diverse female candidates in Australian elections


Almost every council in Australia has a gallery of “dead men”, says Licia Heath. In the Cairns regional council, the gallery of past mayors – overwhelmingly white and male – is in the civic reception room.

Almost every council in Australia has a gallery of “dead men”, says Licia Heath. In the Cairns regional council, the gallery of past mayors – overwhelmingly white and male – is in the civic reception room.

Mexico will soon elect its first female president – but that landmark masks an uneven march toward women’s rights

November 13, 2023

Mexico will soon elect its first female president – but that landmark masks an uneven march toward women’s rights

Mexico will elect its first female president in 2024, barring any surprises between now and the June vote.

Mexico will elect its first female president in 2024, barring any surprises between now and the June vote.

World News

USA: Why this year’s election was a big win for women

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USA: Why this year’s election was a big win for women


Nearly 17 months after the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, abortion rights supporters celebrated in Ohio after voters added the right to access abortion care to the state’s constitution.

Nearly 17 months after the Supreme Court struck down Roe v. Wade, abortion rights supporters celebrated in Ohio after voters added the right to access abortion care to the state’s constitution.

World News

Thai politicians, sexual harassment and what really needs to be fixed?

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Thai politicians, sexual harassment and what really needs to be fixed?


Move Forward Party MPs Wuttipong Thonglour and Chaiyamparwaan Manpianjit were expelled from the party after it was decided by the party’s disciplinary board that they had sexually harassed party volunteers.

Move Forward Party MPs Wuttipong Thonglour and Chaiyamparwaan Manpianjit were expelled from the party after it was decided by the party’s disciplinary board that they had sexually harassed party volunteers.

The State of Women: 2023 Multiplier Report and Roadmap

November 7, 2023

The State of Women: 2023 Multiplier Report and Roadmap

Today, we announced the release of our new report, The State of Women: 2023 Multiplier Report and Roadmap, a comprehensive report drawing on insight

Today, we announced the release of our new report, The State of Women: 2023 Multiplier Report and Roadmap, a comprehensive report drawing on insight

World News

Zimbabwe’s election widens gender gap in politics

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Zimbabwe’s election widens gender gap in politics


Zimbabwe’s recent election has exposed weak gender policies both at the political party and governmental levels as women were sidelined despite the fact that they make up more than half of the 6.5 million electorate.

Zimbabwe’s recent election has exposed weak gender policies both at the political party and governmental levels as women were sidelined despite the fact that they make up more than half of the 6.5 million electorate.

World News

Scotland: just a third of general election candidates selected so far are women

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Scotland: just a third of general election candidates selected so far are women


Herald on Sunday research shows that despite promises to act from most parties, just a third of all the candidates selected to fight the next general election are women.

The SNP has selected substantially more candidates than any other party, with 53 of the 57 they will need for the vote in place. Of those 35 are men, around 66%.

Herald on Sunday research shows that despite promises to act from most parties, just a third of all the candidates selected to fight the next general election are women.

The SNP has selected substantially more candidates than any other party, with 53 of the 57 they will need for the vote in place. Of those 35 are men, around 66%.

World News

Monica Mutsvangwa bemoans gender imbalance in politics

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Monica Mutsvangwa bemoans gender imbalance in politics


WOMEN’s Affairs minister, Monica Mutsvangwa, yesterday bemoaned the imbalance between men and women in politics saying this undermined the principles of democracy and social justice.

Mutsvangwa, who was opening the 5th edition of the Women in Local Government Forum congress, said the decline in women's participation showed that Zimbabwe remained a patriarchal society.

WOMEN’s Affairs minister, Monica Mutsvangwa, yesterday bemoaned the imbalance between men and women in politics saying this undermined the principles of democracy and social justice.

Mutsvangwa, who was opening the 5th edition of the Women in Local Government Forum congress, said the decline in women's participation showed that Zimbabwe remained a patriarchal society.