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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen


World News

Tunisian women absent from presidential campaign

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Tunisian women absent from presidential campaign


Tunisia has long been seen as a pioneer for women's rights in the Arab world, but on the eve of presidential elections, women are calling this reputation into question.

"Men promise a lot to women. But when Mr Moustache arrives in power, nothing happens," said Feryel Charfeddine, head of Calam, an association fighting violence against women.

Tunisia has long been seen as a pioneer for women's rights in the Arab world, but on the eve of presidential elections, women are calling this reputation into question.

"Men promise a lot to women. But when Mr Moustache arrives in power, nothing happens," said Feryel Charfeddine, head of Calam, an association fighting violence against women.

World News

Men are more confident to enter politics and more likely to have been encouraged to run, poll shows

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Men are more confident to enter politics and more likely to have been encouraged to run, poll shows


Men have greater confidence in their ability to serve as politicians and are more likely to have been personally encouraged to enter politics, a new poll shows, underscoring factors why women are under-represented at all levels of elected office in Canada.

One obstacle highlighted by the poll for the Environics Institute is the degree to which men and women see themselves as qualified to run for election and the amount of encouragement they get to throw their hat into the political ring.

Men have greater confidence in their ability to serve as politicians and are more likely to have been personally encouraged to enter politics, a new poll shows, underscoring factors why women are under-represented at all levels of elected office in Canada.

One obstacle highlighted by the poll for the Environics Institute is the degree to which men and women see themselves as qualified to run for election and the amount of encouragement they get to throw their hat into the political ring.

World News

Women and politics

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Women and politics


For the first time in 20 years a woman candidate has been named to contest at the upcoming Presidential Election. Environmentalist Dr. Ajantha Perera being nominated is largely seen as a positive sign for increased women representation in Sri Lankan politics, which remains largely male dominated. 

For the first time in 20 years a woman candidate has been named to contest at the upcoming Presidential Election. Environmentalist Dr. Ajantha Perera being nominated is largely seen as a positive sign for increased women representation in Sri Lankan politics, which remains largely male dominated. 


World News

Women's Equality Day is a timely reminder of the impact women voters have on elections

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Women's Equality Day is a timely reminder of the impact women voters have on elections


In 1973, Congress declared August 26th "Women's Equality Day."

The date, according to the National Women's History Alliance, celebrates the passage of the 19th amendment, which granted women the right to vote, and brings awareness to the continued fight for women's equality.

In 1973, Congress declared August 26th "Women's Equality Day."

The date, according to the National Women's History Alliance, celebrates the passage of the 19th amendment, which granted women the right to vote, and brings awareness to the continued fight for women's equality.

World News

Record number of women win seats in Japan election, but female voters wary of government's empowerment pledge

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Record number of women win seats in Japan election, but female voters wary of government's empowerment pledge


Despite a record number of women winning seats in Sunday’s Upper House election, some female voters have expressed doubts about the government’s commitment to empowering women.

In Sunday’s election 28 women won seats, matching the figure seen in the previous Upper House election in 2016 and accounting for 22.6 percent of candidates elected overall.

Despite a record number of women winning seats in Sunday’s Upper House election, some female voters have expressed doubts about the government’s commitment to empowering women.

In Sunday’s election 28 women won seats, matching the figure seen in the previous Upper House election in 2016 and accounting for 22.6 percent of candidates elected overall.

World News

Japan election: Surge of women candidates could reshape male-dominated parliament

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Japan election: Surge of women candidates could reshape male-dominated parliament


One of the world's most unequal parliaments could be about to get a lot more female, or ... maybe not.

Voting is underway in Japan's general election, where a record number of women are running for office to fill 124 of the 245 seats in the upper House of Councilors.

Half of the upper chamber of the National Diet is elected every three years and this election includes three new seats.

One of the world's most unequal parliaments could be about to get a lot more female, or ... maybe not.

Voting is underway in Japan's general election, where a record number of women are running for office to fill 124 of the 245 seats in the upper House of Councilors.

Half of the upper chamber of the National Diet is elected every three years and this election includes three new seats.