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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

Female candidates in Japan Upper House poll at record 28%, but hitting 30% Diet target doubtful

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Female candidates in Japan Upper House poll at record 28%, but hitting 30% Diet target doubtful


The ratio of female candidates for the upcoming Upper House election hit a record high, but whether the country can achieve its target of raising the percentage of female lawmakers in the Diet to 30 percent remains uncertain.

The ratio of female candidates for the upcoming Upper House election hit a record high, but whether the country can achieve its target of raising the percentage of female lawmakers in the Diet to 30 percent remains uncertain.

World News

Women's parliament representation at its highest post-reform

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Women's parliament representation at its highest post-reform


The General Elections Commission (KPU) released a report on its official Twitter account about women’s representation at the Indonesian parliament, which the commission deemed the highest in the post-reform (pasca-reformasi) era.

The infographic shows that women’s representation in the House of Representatives (DPR) in 2019 reached 118 seats.

The General Elections Commission (KPU) released a report on its official Twitter account about women’s representation at the Indonesian parliament, which the commission deemed the highest in the post-reform (pasca-reformasi) era.

The infographic shows that women’s representation in the House of Representatives (DPR) in 2019 reached 118 seats.

World News

New polling shows how much sexism is hurting the Democratic women running for president

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New polling shows how much sexism is hurting the Democratic women running for president


Over the last several years, debates between Republicans and Democrats have increasingly involved extremely divergent attitudes toward women.

Over the last several years, debates between Republicans and Democrats have increasingly involved extremely divergent attitudes toward women.

World News

Why men thought women weren’t made to vote

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Why men thought women weren’t made to vote


William T. Sedgwick believed that no good could come of letting women vote.

“It would mean a degeneration and a degradation of human fiber which would turn back the hands of time a thousand years,” Sedgwick said in 1914. “Hence it will probably never come, for mankind will not lightly abandon at the call of a few fanatics the hard-earned achievements of the ages.”

William T. Sedgwick believed that no good could come of letting women vote.

“It would mean a degeneration and a degradation of human fiber which would turn back the hands of time a thousand years,” Sedgwick said in 1914. “Hence it will probably never come, for mankind will not lightly abandon at the call of a few fanatics the hard-earned achievements of the ages.”

The prevention and mitigation of election-related violence: An action guide

July 11, 2019

The prevention and mitigation of election-related violence: An action guide

Understanding and explaining outbreaks of election-related violence is a complex task; predicting whether forthcoming elections will turn violent, which factors may underlie or trigger violence, and what can be done to prevent violence is even more d

Understanding and explaining outbreaks of election-related violence is a complex task; predicting whether forthcoming elections will turn violent, which factors may underlie or trigger violence, and what can be done to prevent violence is even more d

Engaging young people and women in European Parliament elections

July 11, 2019

Engaging young people and women in European Parliament elections

This Discussion Paper puts together relevant data on the inclusion of young people and women in European Parliament elections.

This Discussion Paper puts together relevant data on the inclusion of young people and women in European Parliament elections.

Thinking of running in 2020? Lessons learned from women who ran for congress in 2018

July 11, 2019

Thinking of running in 2020? Lessons learned from women who ran for congress in 2018

By Julie Dolan and Paru Shah,

There’s a great deal of excitement leading up to the 2020 elections, in part because of the unprecedented numbers of women running for President.

By Julie Dolan and Paru Shah,

There’s a great deal of excitement leading up to the 2020 elections, in part because of the unprecedented numbers of women running for President.

World News

Mette Frederiksen becomes Denmark's youngest-ever prime minister

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Mette Frederiksen becomes Denmark's youngest-ever prime minister


Mette Frederiksen, the leader of Denmark's center-left Socialist Democratic party, has announced that she will form a left-leaning, one-party minority government, making her the nation's youngest-ever prime minister.

Mette Frederiksen, the leader of Denmark's center-left Socialist Democratic party, has announced that she will form a left-leaning, one-party minority government, making her the nation's youngest-ever prime minister.