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The right to vote and the right to stand for election are two fundamental elements of democracy. Notably, many countries did not afford women the right to vote until the 20th Century. Even today, universal suffrage is not a given right in all countries, and women often face obstacles that undermine their participation in political and electoral processes. There are various ways to support women in overcoming these obstacles. Such methods include revising the electoral system used, applying affirmative action mechanisms such as quotas, improving voter education for women and training political candidates. These are a few of the modes available to strengthen women’s political participation .Photo©Jens Franssen

World News

The rising voices of women in Pakistan

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The rising voices of women in Pakistan


SHAHDARA, Pakistan – Bushra Khaliq stood in the middle of a village home, chin up and shoulders back, holding the attention of fifty women around her. Old and young, they wore Pakistani tunics and scarves; some cradled and fed babies, others shushed children who tugged at their sleeves. Sun from the open roof warmed Khaliq’s face as she looked around, holding eye contact with one woman, then another. “Who is going to decide your vote?” she asked. The women clapped and shouted in unison: “Myself!”

SHAHDARA, Pakistan – Bushra Khaliq stood in the middle of a village home, chin up and shoulders back, holding the attention of fifty women around her. Old and young, they wore Pakistani tunics and scarves; some cradled and fed babies, others shushed children who tugged at their sleeves. Sun from the open roof warmed Khaliq’s face as she looked around, holding eye contact with one woman, then another. “Who is going to decide your vote?” she asked. The women clapped and shouted in unison: “Myself!”

World News

USA: 2019's barrier-breaking politicians get to work

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USA: 2019's barrier-breaking politicians get to work


On November 6, 125 women were elected to the House, Senate, and governorships. This week, they assume power. Here's what they plan on doing with it.

On November 6, 125 women were elected to the House, Senate, and governorships. This week, they assume power. Here's what they plan on doing with it.

World News

Togo : Yawa Tsegan Djigbodi becomes the first president of the national assembly in the history of the country

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Togo : Yawa Tsegan Djigbodi becomes the first president of the national assembly in the history of the country


For the first time in Togo’s history, the national assembly will be presided by a woman: Yawa Tsegan Djigbodi is the new president of this assembly.

She is replacing Dama Dramani, president of the former mandate during which she was the first quaestor. 

For the first time in Togo’s history, the national assembly will be presided by a woman: Yawa Tsegan Djigbodi is the new president of this assembly.

She is replacing Dama Dramani, president of the former mandate during which she was the first quaestor. 

World News

Australian Minister for women to leave politics at election

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Australian Minister for women to leave politics at election


Australia’s Minister for Women Kelly O’Dwyer said Saturday she will quit politics for personal reasons at this year’s election, adding to the list of female politicians to leave the ruling party, some citing disunity, bullying and intimidation.

Women in Australia make half of the population, but they make up less than a quarter of federal politicians in the Liberal party, the senior partner in the governing coalition.

Australia’s Minister for Women Kelly O’Dwyer said Saturday she will quit politics for personal reasons at this year’s election, adding to the list of female politicians to leave the ruling party, some citing disunity, bullying and intimidation.

Women in Australia make half of the population, but they make up less than a quarter of federal politicians in the Liberal party, the senior partner in the governing coalition.

World News

No other Congress has ever looked like this

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No other Congress has ever looked like this


The 116th class of Congress broke barriers before its members even set foot in Washington.

One example: Rep.-elect Ilhan Omar, a Minnesota Democrat who will be the first Somali-American member of Congress, noted the history of her election on Twitter on Wednesday night.

The 116th class of Congress broke barriers before its members even set foot in Washington.

One example: Rep.-elect Ilhan Omar, a Minnesota Democrat who will be the first Somali-American member of Congress, noted the history of her election on Twitter on Wednesday night.

World News

From New Zealand to Saudi Arabia: When women won the vote worldwide

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From New Zealand to Saudi Arabia: When women won the vote worldwide


The Representation of People Act 1918 granted the vote to Irish and English women aged over 30 who met certain property qualifications.

While some nations had extended that right to women earlier, other countries, in Europe as well as elsewhere, did not allow women to vote until much later into the 20th century.

New Zealand: First nation to grant female suffrage, in 1893, to all adult women.

The Representation of People Act 1918 granted the vote to Irish and English women aged over 30 who met certain property qualifications.

While some nations had extended that right to women earlier, other countries, in Europe as well as elsewhere, did not allow women to vote until much later into the 20th century.

New Zealand: First nation to grant female suffrage, in 1893, to all adult women.