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World News

Poverty shuts women out of political posts, Tanzania

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Poverty shuts women out of political posts, Tanzania


As the 2015 general elections approach many womena re beginning to call for free elections without corruption to give a chance for everyone to participate. They held that the current system only allows for the participation of the afluent and marginalizes the poor - the larger bulk of which happen to be women.


We invite our users to read the full article published September 10th 2014 

As the 2015 general elections approach many womena re beginning to call for free elections without corruption to give a chance for everyone to participate. They held that the current system only allows for the participation of the afluent and marginalizes the poor - the larger bulk of which happen to be women.


We invite our users to read the full article published September 10th 2014 

World News

The Gender Gap Exists When It Comes to Who Donates to Political Campaigns

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The Gender Gap Exists When It Comes to Who Donates to Political Campaigns


The gender gap in American salaries is well documented, but it turns out this disparity in pay extends into the political realm as well. Women also donate much less to political campaigns than their male counterparts.

The gender gap in American salaries is well documented, but it turns out this disparity in pay extends into the political realm as well. Women also donate much less to political campaigns than their male counterparts.

World News

Slovenia PM halts privatizations before election

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Slovenia PM halts privatizations before election


Slovenia is halting all privatizations until a new government is formed after a snap election on July 13, outgoing Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek said on Thursday, drawing a sharp response from the finance minister in her own government.

Slovenia is halting all privatizations until a new government is formed after a snap election on July 13, outgoing Prime Minister Alenka Bratusek said on Thursday, drawing a sharp response from the finance minister in her own government.

Training Modules to Increase Women's Political Participation

June 6, 2014

Training Modules to Increase Women's Political Participation

These new training materials take best practices and approaches from NDI's work around the world and make them into a set of tools to increase the quality of training programs for women as voters, advocates, elections officials, political party members, candidates and office holders.

These new training materials take best practices and approaches from NDI's work around the world and make them into a set of tools to increase the quality of training programs for women as voters, advocates, elections officials, political party members, candidates and office holders.

World News

Women’s Coalition protests money politics

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Women’s Coalition protests money politics


Female legislative candidates grouped under the Women’s Coalition staged a rally on Saturday to protest rampant vote-buying during the recent legislative election, which they say caused many female candidates to lose.

“Our hard work was for nothing because we didn’t have money to buy votes,” said Meylina Wonatorey, a candidate from Golkar Party for the Papua Council, said in the rally in front of Aston Hotel, Jayapura, where the provincial elections commission was counting the vote.

Female legislative candidates grouped under the Women’s Coalition staged a rally on Saturday to protest rampant vote-buying during the recent legislative election, which they say caused many female candidates to lose.

“Our hard work was for nothing because we didn’t have money to buy votes,” said Meylina Wonatorey, a candidate from Golkar Party for the Papua Council, said in the rally in front of Aston Hotel, Jayapura, where the provincial elections commission was counting the vote.

Austerity Measures in Developing Countries: Public Expenditure Trends and the Risks to Women and Children

May 6, 2014

Austerity Measures in Developing Countries: Public Expenditure Trends and the Risks to Women and Children

This study examines how austerity measures may have adversely affected children and women in a sample of 128 developing countries in 2012.

This study examines how austerity measures may have adversely affected children and women in a sample of 128 developing countries in 2012.

Women's Political Participation

April 28, 2014

Women's Political Participation

The Asia Foundation has had a dedicated program to increasing women’s participation in democratic processes and public decisionmaking across the Asia-Pacific region since 1992.

The Asia Foundation has had a dedicated program to increasing women’s participation in democratic processes and public decisionmaking across the Asia-Pacific region since 1992.
