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Gender Equality

World News

Green Chambers’ Quest for Women Emancipation

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Green Chambers’ Quest for Women Emancipation


Udora Orizu chronicles the noteworthy strides being made by the 10th House of Representatives towards improving women’s political representation and end gender based violence in the country.

The 10th House of Representatives, is rekindling hopes of Nigerian women following assurances of legislative reforms to improve women’s political representation, one of which is to revisit the five gender bills rejected during the alteration of the 1999 Constitution (as amended), in  March, 2022.

Udora Orizu chronicles the noteworthy strides being made by the 10th House of Representatives towards improving women’s political representation and end gender based violence in the country.

The 10th House of Representatives, is rekindling hopes of Nigerian women following assurances of legislative reforms to improve women’s political representation, one of which is to revisit the five gender bills rejected during the alteration of the 1999 Constitution (as amended), in  March, 2022.

World News

Taiwan: The Democratic Progressive Party promotes 18 female candidates

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Taiwan: The Democratic Progressive Party promotes 18 female candidates


The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) yesterday presented its slate of 18 female legislator-at-large nominees and outlined its policies on gender equality.

The DPP has marked several milestones when it comes to women’s participation in Taiwanese politics, DPP Department of Gender Equality division director Lee Yen-jong (李晏榕) told a news conference at party headquarters in Taipei.

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) yesterday presented its slate of 18 female legislator-at-large nominees and outlined its policies on gender equality.

The DPP has marked several milestones when it comes to women’s participation in Taiwanese politics, DPP Department of Gender Equality division director Lee Yen-jong (李晏榕) told a news conference at party headquarters in Taipei.

Courage, optimism, and action: A pathway to boost African democracies

December 1, 2023

Courage, optimism, and action: A pathway to boost African democracies

Governance in Africa is undergoing an upheaval – the kind that is people-driven, and more recently and unfortunately, army driven

Governance in Africa is undergoing an upheaval – the kind that is people-driven, and more recently and unfortunately, army driven

Women grab back: exclusion, policy threat, and women’s political ambition

November 30, 2023

Women grab back: exclusion, policy threat, and women’s political ambition

Previous work suggests that observing women officeholders increases women’s political ambition.

Previous work suggests that observing women officeholders increases women’s political ambition.

World News

Women’s political empowerment — more talk, less action

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Women’s political empowerment — more talk, less action


In any country, the political empowerment of women is generally possible with two routes — the first is to reserve seats for women in legislature by means of legislation and the second is to have provision for quotas for women candidates within political parties while nominating candidates. There are examples for both that have been adopted in various countries, in turn helping women’s political empowerment.

In any country, the political empowerment of women is generally possible with two routes — the first is to reserve seats for women in legislature by means of legislation and the second is to have provision for quotas for women candidates within political parties while nominating candidates. There are examples for both that have been adopted in various countries, in turn helping women’s political empowerment.

World News

Breaking barriers: how gender quotas transform political participation

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Breaking barriers: how gender quotas transform political participation


Gender quotas have successfully brought women to positions of political power. But the question remains: how and why do they influence women’s political participation, especially in societies where entrenched patriarchal norms serve as barriers, both within political parties and households?

Gender quotas have successfully brought women to positions of political power. But the question remains: how and why do they influence women’s political participation, especially in societies where entrenched patriarchal norms serve as barriers, both within political parties and households?


Imbalanced gender representation in cabinets during Nigeria’s Fourth Republic

November 28, 2023

Imbalanced gender representation in cabinets during Nigeria’s Fourth Republic

For a country with a significant female population, Nigeria has been poor in ensuring gender parity in elected and appointed leadership positions.

For a country with a significant female population, Nigeria has been poor in ensuring gender parity in elected and appointed leadership positions.