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ICTs and Women’s Political Participation

ICTs can be potentially used to foster wider political participation. Look here for inspiration and examples of how women around the world used ICTs to change their societies.


‘Gender trolling’ is curbing women’s rights – and making money for digital platforms

February 28, 2023

‘Gender trolling’ is curbing women’s rights – and making money for digital platforms

Online hate has become a tool of the right and a lucrative business. It’s driving women out of public life, putting democracy and human rights at risk

Online hate has become a tool of the right and a lucrative business. It’s driving women out of public life, putting democracy and human rights at risk


World News

‘It could be your next-door neighbour’: how female MPs cope with misogynistic abuse

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‘It could be your next-door neighbour’: how female MPs cope with misogynistic abuse


As Nicola Sturgeon quits, online vitriol continues to leave female politicians fearing for their safety

As Nicola Sturgeon quits, online vitriol continues to leave female politicians fearing for their safety

Summary of the e-Discussion on Women in Politics and the Media

December 15, 2022

Summary of the e-Discussion on Women in Politics and the Media

This e-Discussion raised awareness and collected experiences and knowledge on gender differences in political media coverage, its impact on women’s political participation and representation, as well as

This e-Discussion raised awareness and collected experiences and knowledge on gender differences in political media coverage, its impact on women’s political participation and representation, as well as

Hate in plain sight: Abuse targeting women ahead of the 2022 midterm elections on TikTok and Instagram

December 13, 2022

Hate in plain sight: Abuse targeting women ahead of the 2022 midterm elections on TikTok and Instagram

Online abuse has a profound impact on the health of democratic societies, threatening progress on diversity and representation in politics.

Online abuse has a profound impact on the health of democratic societies, threatening progress on diversity and representation in politics.

USA: Women in politics still face sexism from the media

December 8, 2022

USA: Women in politics still face sexism from the media

From Hillary Clinton to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, some things have yet to change.

From Hillary Clinton to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, some things have yet to change.

Preventing violence against women in politics – Benchmarks for political parties

December 5, 2022

Preventing violence against women in politics – Benchmarks for political parties

Preventing Violence Against Women in Politics – Benchmarks for Political Parties (2022) is a joint paper by democracy organisations working with political parties, which presents interventions for political parties on how to prevent and address any form of

Preventing Violence Against Women in Politics – Benchmarks for Political Parties (2022) is a joint paper by democracy organisations working with political parties, which presents interventions for political parties on how to prevent and address any form of

World News

Ireland: Cork caucus hears calls for gender quotas to be extended to local government elections

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Ireland: Cork caucus hears calls for gender quotas to be extended to local government elections


Gender quotas should be extended from national elections to the 2024 local government elections to ensure Ireland is in line with other European countries, new research has recommended.

It also found that some female elected members believe local government to be “a boys’ club”, while others spoke of being the target of misogynistic slurs at public council meetings.

Gender quotas should be extended from national elections to the 2024 local government elections to ensure Ireland is in line with other European countries, new research has recommended.

It also found that some female elected members believe local government to be “a boys’ club”, while others spoke of being the target of misogynistic slurs at public council meetings.