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ICTs and Women’s Political Participation

ICTs can be potentially used to foster wider political participation. Look here for inspiration and examples of how women around the world used ICTs to change their societies.


World News

Between sexual objectification and death threats: Electoral officials all over the world face unprecedented levels of disinformation, aggression and harassment

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Between sexual objectification and death threats: Electoral officials all over the world face unprecedented levels of disinformation, aggression and harassment


Recent media reports highlighted the worrying level of online harassment against poll workers around the 2022 United States mid-term elections. Ongoing work by International IDEA confirms that this phenomenon is not limited to the US. Disinformation and various forms of aggression and harassment targeting electoral officials in the information environment is a global phenomenon and poses a serious threat to democracy.

Recent media reports highlighted the worrying level of online harassment against poll workers around the 2022 United States mid-term elections. Ongoing work by International IDEA confirms that this phenomenon is not limited to the US. Disinformation and various forms of aggression and harassment targeting electoral officials in the information environment is a global phenomenon and poses a serious threat to democracy.

In Southeast Asia, violence against female political leaders is rising

November 28, 2022

In Southeast Asia, violence against female political leaders is rising

'Far too little attention has been paid to either the obstacles women face once they achieve positions of political leadership or the reasons why they leave politics.'

'Far too little attention has been paid to either the obstacles women face once they achieve positions of political leadership or the reasons why they leave politics.'

Voices of women and girls essential to fight for human rights

November 25, 2022

Voices of women and girls essential to fight for human rights

“Around the world, we see stigmatization, harassment and outright attacks used to silence and discredit women who are outspoken as leaders, community workers, human rights defenders and politicians,” said Peggy Hicks, Director of the Thematic Engagement, Special Proce

“Around the world, we see stigmatization, harassment and outright attacks used to silence and discredit women who are outspoken as leaders, community workers, human rights defenders and politicians,” said Peggy Hicks, Director of the Thematic Engagement, Special Proce

Ireland: Women's voices in the Council's Chamber

November 24, 2022

Ireland: Women's voices in the Council's Chamber

UCC research, carried out on behalf of Cork City Council’s Women’s Caucus, has recommended that gender quota legislation be introduced before the next local government elections to help increase the number of female councillors around the country. 

UCC research, carried out on behalf of Cork City Council’s Women’s Caucus, has recommended that gender quota legislation be introduced before the next local government elections to help increase the number of female councillors around the country. 

World News

Ireland: Women running for election more likely to be subjected to abuse - study

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Ireland: Women running for election more likely to be subjected to abuse - study


Women running for election are more likely to be the victims of personalised, misogynistic abuse - online and at the doorstep - than their male counterparts.

That is according to new research published today which also shows that female representation at council level across the country - while still very low - has almost doubled in 30 years to 24%.

The study, commissioned by Cork City Council's Women's Caucus, was undertaken by UCC's Centre for Local and Regional Governance.

Women running for election are more likely to be the victims of personalised, misogynistic abuse - online and at the doorstep - than their male counterparts.

That is according to new research published today which also shows that female representation at council level across the country - while still very low - has almost doubled in 30 years to 24%.

The study, commissioned by Cork City Council's Women's Caucus, was undertaken by UCC's Centre for Local and Regional Governance.


“Where is Nancy?”: How threats against women in power are tied to threats against democracy

November 7, 2022

“Where is Nancy?”: How threats against women in power are tied to threats against democracy

The attack on Paul Pelosi in his home by an assailant who reportedly was looking for the House speaker highlights the danger of the outrage and vitriol that often particularly targets women in positions of power. 

The attack on Paul Pelosi in his home by an assailant who reportedly was looking for the House speaker highlights the danger of the outrage and vitriol that often particularly targets women in positions of power. 

World News

Female politicians disadvantaged by online prejudices and stereotypes

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Female politicians disadvantaged by online prejudices and stereotypes



In Reddit comments, female politicians are more likely to be referred to by their first names, and with a less professional focus, than their male counterparts. This a new study from the University of Copenhagen finds. Previous work from the researchers investigated gender differences in search engine results and language models with the same main conclusion: gender bias is widespread online. According to the researchers, this disadvantages female politicians.


In Reddit comments, female politicians are more likely to be referred to by their first names, and with a less professional focus, than their male counterparts. This a new study from the University of Copenhagen finds. Previous work from the researchers investigated gender differences in search engine results and language models with the same main conclusion: gender bias is widespread online. According to the researchers, this disadvantages female politicians.