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Local Government

Local governments are in a unique position to contribute to the global struggle for gender equality by improving the status of women around the world. Local Governments are the level of governance closest to the citizens and as service providers and employers have an important role in creating the conditions that encourage women’s political participation. In this special feature, we are collecting knowledge resources, case studies, stories and interviews from women active in local politics.  

Gender gains overshadowed by constitutional violation: An analysis of the situation for women in politics after the 2022 Kenya elections

November 4, 2022

Gender gains overshadowed by constitutional violation: An analysis of the situation for women in politics after the 2022 Kenya elections

From a gender perspective, three main lessons can be learnt from the general election. First, gender issues are on the rise, a fact shown not least by the appointment of the first-ever women running mate for one of the two main presidential candidates.

From a gender perspective, three main lessons can be learnt from the general election. First, gender issues are on the rise, a fact shown not least by the appointment of the first-ever women running mate for one of the two main presidential candidates.

Gender and violence against political candidates: Lessons from Sri Lanka

November 3, 2022

Gender and violence against political candidates: Lessons from Sri Lanka

A nascent body of literature has highlighter the violence (broadly defined) that women sometimes face as they enter politics. Some interpretations depict this violence as primarily gender motivated: women politicians are targeted because they are women.

A nascent body of literature has highlighter the violence (broadly defined) that women sometimes face as they enter politics. Some interpretations depict this violence as primarily gender motivated: women politicians are targeted because they are women.

Widening the lens: Reimagining leadership among young women of color

November 3, 2022

Widening the lens: Reimagining leadership among young women of color

There are many ways to step into political leadership in America, and how you go about it is often informed by your background, identity, and experiences.

There are many ways to step into political leadership in America, and how you go about it is often informed by your background, identity, and experiences.

World News

Project aims to help mothers run in Japan's local elections next year

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Project aims to help mothers run in Japan's local elections next year


A group of researchers and female politicians said Monday that they will start a campaign to help mothers with young children run in next April’s nationwide gubernatorial and municipal assembly elections.

The project, called “Kosodate Senkyo Hack!” (which roughly translates as “tackling elections while child-rearing”), aims to give a greater voice in local politics to the dwindling ranks of families with small children by having mothers become lawmakers, project members told a news conference in Tokyo.

A group of researchers and female politicians said Monday that they will start a campaign to help mothers with young children run in next April’s nationwide gubernatorial and municipal assembly elections.

The project, called “Kosodate Senkyo Hack!” (which roughly translates as “tackling elections while child-rearing”), aims to give a greater voice in local politics to the dwindling ranks of families with small children by having mothers become lawmakers, project members told a news conference in Tokyo.

Latinas in U.S. politics 2022

October 31, 2022

Latinas in U.S. politics 2022

Latinas are serving in record numbers across levels of elective office, but we are still vastly underrepresented when compared to our numbers in the population.

Latinas are serving in record numbers across levels of elective office, but we are still vastly underrepresented when compared to our numbers in the population.

Kenyan women lead peace efforts in longstanding conflicts

October 27, 2022

Kenyan women lead peace efforts in longstanding conflicts

Across Kenya, local conflicts driven by diverse factors have one thing in common: they’re increasingly being mediated by women.

Across Kenya, local conflicts driven by diverse factors have one thing in common: they’re increasingly being mediated by women.

World News

New Zealand’s Parliament becomes majority female — "about blimmin’ time"

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New Zealand’s Parliament becomes majority female — "about blimmin’ time"


New Zealand made history — or herstory — this week as female lawmakers became the majority, narrowly outnumbering their male counterparts in Parliament for the first time.

On Tuesday, Soraya Peke-Mason was sworn in as a lawmaker for the Labour Party, tipping the country’s legislative body to 60 women and 59 men.

New Zealand made history — or herstory — this week as female lawmakers became the majority, narrowly outnumbering their male counterparts in Parliament for the first time.

On Tuesday, Soraya Peke-Mason was sworn in as a lawmaker for the Labour Party, tipping the country’s legislative body to 60 women and 59 men.

US midterm elections: Why Bolivia's lawmakers are 50% women

October 26, 2022

US midterm elections: Why Bolivia's lawmakers are 50% women

Despite historic gains in the past two congressional elections in the US, women hold just 27% of the seats. As Americans prepare to reshape Congress in the midterms, could Bolivia inspire change?

Despite historic gains in the past two congressional elections in the US, women hold just 27% of the seats. As Americans prepare to reshape Congress in the midterms, could Bolivia inspire change?

India: Women in government fellowship

October 24, 2022

India: Women in government fellowship

The Women in Government Fellowship is a six-month program that is focused on capacity-building, training, and mentorship of women in politics. It seeks to enhance and improve the quality of political participation of women.

The Women in Government Fellowship is a six-month program that is focused on capacity-building, training, and mentorship of women in politics. It seeks to enhance and improve the quality of political participation of women.