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World News

Tunisia's new Prime Minister is the first woman to lead a government in the Arab world

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Tunisia's new Prime Minister is the first woman to lead a government in the Arab world


Najla Bouden Ramadhane, a university engineer with World Bank experience, has been lifted from political obscurity to become Tunisia's — and the Arab world's — first female prime minister.

Najla Bouden Ramadhane, a university engineer with World Bank experience, has been lifted from political obscurity to become Tunisia's — and the Arab world's — first female prime minister.

World News

Albania votes in its first female dominated government

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Albania votes in its first female dominated government


PRISTINA, Sept 17 (Reuters) - Albania's parliament on Friday voted in the first cabinet to be dominated by women since the multi-party system was introduced 30 years ago.

After a parliamentary session which lasted more than 20 hours, Edi Rama was voted as prime minister for third time after a landslide election victory in April.

Of the 17-member cabinet, 12 will be women.

PRISTINA, Sept 17 (Reuters) - Albania's parliament on Friday voted in the first cabinet to be dominated by women since the multi-party system was introduced 30 years ago.

After a parliamentary session which lasted more than 20 hours, Edi Rama was voted as prime minister for third time after a landslide election victory in April.

Of the 17-member cabinet, 12 will be women.

World News

In sweeping reshuffle, Spain’s Pedro Sánchez names younger Cabinet with more women

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In sweeping reshuffle, Spain’s Pedro Sánchez names younger Cabinet with more women


The Socialist leader hopes the changes will help focus on the economic recovery and smooth thorny issues such as Catalan independence before Spaniards vote in the next election.

Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has carried out a sweeping Cabinet reshuffle, replacing some of his most important ministers, boosting the representation of women and reducing the average age of his team.

The Socialist leader hopes the changes will help focus on the economic recovery and smooth thorny issues such as Catalan independence before Spaniards vote in the next election.

Spain’s Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has carried out a sweeping Cabinet reshuffle, replacing some of his most important ministers, boosting the representation of women and reducing the average age of his team.

World News

Women in the Biden White House earn 99 cents for every $1 earned by men

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Women in the Biden White House earn 99 cents for every $1 earned by men


The Biden White House has the narrowest wage gap since the country started tracking it in 1995, according to salary data released Thursday.

President Joe Biden’s White House has the narrowest gender pay gap of any administration since 1995, according to new salary data released Thursday.

The Biden White House has the narrowest wage gap since the country started tracking it in 1995, according to salary data released Thursday.

President Joe Biden’s White House has the narrowest gender pay gap of any administration since 1995, according to new salary data released Thursday.

World News

Biden’s federal judicial picks are 77 percent women so far

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Biden’s federal judicial picks are 77 percent women so far


The president is on track to shatter previous records as he aims to nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court.

President Joe Biden has nominated or announced his intent to nominate a higher percentage of women to federal judgeships over the first six months of his presidency than any of his predecessors did during their terms, putting him on track to shatter previous records.

The president is on track to shatter previous records as he aims to nominate a Black woman to the Supreme Court.

President Joe Biden has nominated or announced his intent to nominate a higher percentage of women to federal judgeships over the first six months of his presidency than any of his predecessors did during their terms, putting him on track to shatter previous records.

World News

UN Generation Equality Forum on fast-tracking gender parity opens in Paris

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UN Generation Equality Forum on fast-tracking gender parity opens in Paris


French President Emmanuel Macron and US Vice President Kamala Harris were among those taking part in the UN Generation Equality Forum on Wednesday in Paris.

French President Emmanuel Macron and US Vice President Kamala Harris were among those taking part in the UN Generation Equality Forum on Wednesday in Paris.

World News

'Madam Speaker, Madam Vice President': Women make history at Biden's joint address

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'Madam Speaker, Madam Vice President': Women make history at Biden's joint address


When a president addresses Congress flanked by the vice president and speaker of the House, it's tradition. But when both of those seats are filled by women, it's history in the making.

Such was the case on Wednesday night, when President Biden delivered his first joint address to a scaled-back crowd of mask-wearing lawmakers.

When a president addresses Congress flanked by the vice president and speaker of the House, it's tradition. But when both of those seats are filled by women, it's history in the making.

Such was the case on Wednesday night, when President Biden delivered his first joint address to a scaled-back crowd of mask-wearing lawmakers.

World News

Australia to scrap harassment exemption for judges and politicians

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Australia to scrap harassment exemption for judges and politicians


SYDNEY (Reuters) -Australia will scrap exemptions for judges and politicians from sexual harassment laws, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Thursday, as his government struggles to contain a backlash over allegations of mistreatment of female lawmakers and staff.

SYDNEY (Reuters) -Australia will scrap exemptions for judges and politicians from sexual harassment laws, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said on Thursday, as his government struggles to contain a backlash over allegations of mistreatment of female lawmakers and staff.

World News

Women dominate Biden's first slate of judicial nominees

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Women dominate Biden's first slate of judicial nominees


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden released his first slate of 11 federal judicial nominations on Tuesday, nine of them women of diverse backgrounds including several Black candidates and an Asian American.

“This trailblazing slate of nominees draws from the very best and brightest minds of the American legal profession,” Biden said in a statement that emphasized their “broad diversity of background experience and perspective.”

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Joe Biden released his first slate of 11 federal judicial nominations on Tuesday, nine of them women of diverse backgrounds including several Black candidates and an Asian American.

“This trailblazing slate of nominees draws from the very best and brightest minds of the American legal profession,” Biden said in a statement that emphasized their “broad diversity of background experience and perspective.”