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Minorities and Indigenous Women

Indigenous women and other minorities suffer from a lack of political representation, economic marginalization and poverty, lack of access to social services and discrimination. This section highlights news, resources and stories on minorities and indigenous women's struggle for political inclusion.

A Practitioner’s Toolkit on Women’s Access to Justice Programming

May 8, 2018

A Practitioner’s Toolkit on Women’s Access to Justice Programming

Access to justice for all is a critical litmus test of peaceful and inclusive societies, and an essential condition for substantive equality, human rights, and sustainable development.

Access to justice for all is a critical litmus test of peaceful and inclusive societies, and an essential condition for substantive equality, human rights, and sustainable development.



CSW 62 Side Event on "Empowering Rural Women and Girls through Increased Decision-Making Capacity"


CSW 62 Side Event on "Empowering Rural Women and Girls through Increased Decision-Making Capacity"

The side event, organized by the Government of Georgia and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) together with the Permanent Mission of Mongolia

World News

There’s now a searchable database of the black women running for office in 2018

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There’s now a searchable database of the black women running for office in 2018


Hundreds of thousands of women marched on the streets in response to Donald Trump’s election in 2017. A year after his inauguration, women marched again. This time though, they’re also taking their fight to the ballot box.

Hundreds of thousands of women marched on the streets in response to Donald Trump’s election in 2017. A year after his inauguration, women marched again. This time though, they’re also taking their fight to the ballot box.

Journeys from Exclusion to Inclusion: Marginalized women's successes in overcoming political exclusion

January 9, 2018

Journeys from Exclusion to Inclusion: Marginalized women's successes in overcoming political exclusion

Journeys from Exclusion to Inclusion: Marginalized Women’s Successes in Overcoming Political Exclusion identifies critical factors preventing marginalized women’s inclusion in customary and democratic decision-making structures and describes how women have worked in overcoming barri

Journeys from Exclusion to Inclusion: Marginalized Women’s Successes in Overcoming Political Exclusion identifies critical factors preventing marginalized women’s inclusion in customary and democratic decision-making structures and describes how women have worked in overcoming barri

World News

Roundtable to enhance political participation of women with disability in Pakistan

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Roundtable to enhance political participation of women with disability in Pakistan


Islamabad: To enhance political participation of women with disability (WWD), participants of a roundtable discussion stressed for concrete measures to ensure issuance of national identity cards to WDDs and voter’s registration besides making polling stations accessible for the disabled persons.

Islamabad: To enhance political participation of women with disability (WWD), participants of a roundtable discussion stressed for concrete measures to ensure issuance of national identity cards to WDDs and voter’s registration besides making polling stations accessible for the disabled persons.

World News

Serbia elects first female and openly gay premier

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Serbia elects first female and openly gay premier


Serbian lawmakers elected Ana Brnabic as prime minister on Thursday, making history by choosing both the conservative Balkan nation's first female prime minister and its first openly gay leader.

Serbian lawmakers elected Ana Brnabic as prime minister on Thursday, making history by choosing both the conservative Balkan nation's first female prime minister and its first openly gay leader.