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Minorities and Indigenous Women

Indigenous women and other minorities suffer from a lack of political representation, economic marginalization and poverty, lack of access to social services and discrimination. This section highlights news, resources and stories on minorities and indigenous women's struggle for political inclusion.

World News

In Pakistan, women work to strengthen democracy

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In Pakistan, women work to strengthen democracy


Zameer Akhtar, 28, is participating in the electoral process for the very first time. Being a woman and living in a joint family in Pakistan, getting consent from her elders for her decision wasn’t simple at first. But she felt compelled to take part in election training due to lack of public confidence in previous elections.

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Zameer Akhtar, 28, is participating in the electoral process for the very first time. Being a woman and living in a joint family in Pakistan, getting consent from her elders for her decision wasn’t simple at first. But she felt compelled to take part in election training due to lack of public confidence in previous elections.

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World News

Women’s issues: Who will be fair to the fairer sex?, Pakistan

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Women’s issues: Who will be fair to the fairer sex?, Pakistan


According to a 2012 survey by the World Economic Forum, Pakistan is still considered to be one of the worst places in the world to be a woman. With a total of 37 million registered female voters, the policies adopted by political parties to ensure the rights and progress of women might play a key role in the outcome of the elections.

According to a 2012 survey by the World Economic Forum, Pakistan is still considered to be one of the worst places in the world to be a woman. With a total of 37 million registered female voters, the policies adopted by political parties to ensure the rights and progress of women might play a key role in the outcome of the elections.

World News

In election season, Pakistani women struggle to be heard, as voters or candidates

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In election season, Pakistani women struggle to be heard, as voters or candidates


For decades, not a single woman in this dusty Pakistani village surrounded by wheat fields and orange trees has voted. And they aren't likely to in next week's parliamentary election either. The village's men have spoken. "It's the will of my husband," said one woman, Fatma Shamshed. "This is the decision of all the families." Mateela is one of 564 out of the 64,000 polling districts across Pakistan where not a single woman voted in the country's 2008 election.

For decades, not a single woman in this dusty Pakistani village surrounded by wheat fields and orange trees has voted. And they aren't likely to in next week's parliamentary election either. The village's men have spoken. "It's the will of my husband," said one woman, Fatma Shamshed. "This is the decision of all the families." Mateela is one of 564 out of the 64,000 polling districts across Pakistan where not a single woman voted in the country's 2008 election.

World News

Few black women work as senior counsel, South Africa

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Few black women work as senior counsel, South Africa


African women make less than one percent of the senior counsel in the legal profession in South Africa, the Sunday Times reported. Of the 473 senior counsel from whose ranks candidate judges are selected, only nine were black women, the newspaper reported.

African women make less than one percent of the senior counsel in the legal profession in South Africa, the Sunday Times reported. Of the 473 senior counsel from whose ranks candidate judges are selected, only nine were black women, the newspaper reported.

World News

Speech by Lakshmi Puri at the High-level Conference on Women’s Leadership in the Sahel

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Speech by Lakshmi Puri at the High-level Conference on Women’s Leadership in the Sahel


Speech by Lakshmi Puri, Acting Head of UN Women, at the High-level Conference on Women’s Leadership in the Sahel, 9 April 2013, Brussels, Belgium


(We invite our users to read the ocmplete speach here)

Speech by Lakshmi Puri, Acting Head of UN Women, at the High-level Conference on Women’s Leadership in the Sahel, 9 April 2013, Brussels, Belgium


(We invite our users to read the ocmplete speach here)


World News

Women in Pakistani Politics

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Women in Pakistani Politics


Al Jazeera's Kamal Hyder, reporting from Islamabad, discusses women in Pakistani politics.

(We invite our users to watch the video posted Arpil 2 2013)

Al Jazeera's Kamal Hyder, reporting from Islamabad, discusses women in Pakistani politics.

(We invite our users to watch the video posted Arpil 2 2013)

World News

Where voters would ‘rattle ancestors’ for entrusting leadership to women, Kenya

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Where voters would ‘rattle ancestors’ for entrusting leadership to women, Kenya


Traditional belief and practice that women should not hold positions of power was the ultimate hurdle for female aspirants in the General Election last month.

In the Coast, of all the women who declared interest in different competitive elections, only former Cabinet minister Naomi Shaban was elected to represent Taveta in the National Assembly after beating her closest rival, former MP Basil Criticos, by only 109 votes.

In all, men won 25 of the 26 parliamentary seats in the Coast region.

Traditional belief and practice that women should not hold positions of power was the ultimate hurdle for female aspirants in the General Election last month.

In the Coast, of all the women who declared interest in different competitive elections, only former Cabinet minister Naomi Shaban was elected to represent Taveta in the National Assembly after beating her closest rival, former MP Basil Criticos, by only 109 votes.

In all, men won 25 of the 26 parliamentary seats in the Coast region.

World News

Sudan: Jonglei Women Vow to Leave Men If Violence Continues

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Sudan: Jonglei Women Vow to Leave Men If Violence Continues


Participants in a women's only peace conference in South Sudan's Jonglei state took the drastic step of saying they would leave their homes and refrain from child bearing if men in their communities continued to seek violent solutions to ongoing conflicts in the troubled region rather than peaceful dialogue. They also demanded that women be given greater involvement in peace talks and political decision making processes, saying more needed to be done to arrest tensions and spiralling conflict in their communities. 

Participants in a women's only peace conference in South Sudan's Jonglei state took the drastic step of saying they would leave their homes and refrain from child bearing if men in their communities continued to seek violent solutions to ongoing conflicts in the troubled region rather than peaceful dialogue. They also demanded that women be given greater involvement in peace talks and political decision making processes, saying more needed to be done to arrest tensions and spiralling conflict in their communities.