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Minorities and Indigenous Women

Indigenous women and other minorities suffer from a lack of political representation, economic marginalization and poverty, lack of access to social services and discrimination. This section highlights news, resources and stories on minorities and indigenous women's struggle for political inclusion.

World News

Woman runs for election in Pakistan tribal area

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Woman runs for election in Pakistan tribal area


For most women in Pakistan's war-torn and ultra-conservative frontier region, casting a vote in an election is an impossible dream, let alone standing as a candidate.

For most women in Pakistan's war-torn and ultra-conservative frontier region, casting a vote in an election is an impossible dream, let alone standing as a candidate.

World News

Violence against indigenous women and the two fold challenge, Colombia

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Violence against indigenous women and the two fold challenge, Colombia


In many contexts, woman in Latin America face an uphill battle to maintain even the most basic human rights. This is magnified for indigenous women. There have been some significant international treaties and conventions created to address such a problem. However, due to a host of reasons they have proven to be ineffective. Though developing such a body of law is crucial in protecting indigenous women, without thorough educational programmes utilising any legal infrastructure is highly unlikely.

In many contexts, woman in Latin America face an uphill battle to maintain even the most basic human rights. This is magnified for indigenous women. There have been some significant international treaties and conventions created to address such a problem. However, due to a host of reasons they have proven to be ineffective. Though developing such a body of law is crucial in protecting indigenous women, without thorough educational programmes utilising any legal infrastructure is highly unlikely.

World News

Voices from the Himalayas, Nepal

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Voices from the Himalayas, Nepal


As Nepal grapples with finding a political alternative to the Baburam Bhattarai-led government and awaits an election date, women in the Himalayan nation look to protect their rights within the constitutional framework.

As Nepal grapples with finding a political alternative to the Baburam Bhattarai-led government and awaits an election date, women in the Himalayan nation look to protect their rights within the constitutional framework.

World News

Dir women ‘allowed’ to cast vote

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Dir women ‘allowed’ to cast vote


All political and religious parties in Lower Dir agreed on Tuesday to back women’s participation in voting and follow the election code of conduct during the upcoming general election.


(We invite our users to read the complete article published on March 27 2013)

All political and religious parties in Lower Dir agreed on Tuesday to back women’s participation in voting and follow the election code of conduct during the upcoming general election.


(We invite our users to read the complete article published on March 27 2013)

The Effects of Political Reservations for Women on Local Governance and Rural Service Provision

March 26, 2013

The Effects of Political Reservations for Women on Local Governance and Rural Service Provision

In 1993, India introduced quota-based political reservations for women in rural areas with the objective to promote gender equality in human development by making rural service provision and local governance 

In 1993, India introduced quota-based political reservations for women in rural areas with the objective to promote gender equality in human development by making rural service provision and local governance 

Promoting the Participation of Women in Local Governance and Development: The Case of Ghana

March 25, 2013

Promoting the Participation of Women in Local Governance and Development: The Case of Ghana

This paper describes initiatives in Ghana to promote the participation of women in local governance and the role of European support.

This paper describes initiatives in Ghana to promote the participation of women in local governance and the role of European support.

Political representation of women and indigenous peoples: Evidence from the Peruvian quotas

March 22, 2013

Political representation of women and indigenous peoples: Evidence from the Peruvian quotas

This paper seeks to advance the analysis of substantive representation of marginalised groups through a critical assessment of quotas in Peru.

This paper seeks to advance the analysis of substantive representation of marginalised groups through a critical assessment of quotas in Peru.

World News

Women’s political stride towards change, Vanuatu

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Women’s political stride towards change, Vanuatu


While no women managed to secure a seat in the national election and again in the provincial election, this does not represent a failure on the women part as the high number of women contesting recent elections has set a record for the country.

In the national election there were 17 women and in the provincial elections of Penama, Malampa, Shefa and Tafea 8 women contested. This is a political achievement for the women of Vanuatu compared to the number of women contestants the past.



While no women managed to secure a seat in the national election and again in the provincial election, this does not represent a failure on the women part as the high number of women contesting recent elections has set a record for the country.

In the national election there were 17 women and in the provincial elections of Penama, Malampa, Shefa and Tafea 8 women contested. This is a political achievement for the women of Vanuatu compared to the number of women contestants the past.



World News

Rape in DR Congo: A 'weapon of war'

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Rape in DR Congo: A 'weapon of war'


The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been dubbed the rape capital of the world.

The United Nations says more than 200,000 people have been raped in the country since 1998. And now the UN has issued an ultimatum to two army battallions accused of mass rape.

Rape is weapon of war that goes largely unpunished in the eastern DRC. And the UN mission says it will stop working with the army unless legal action is take against those responsible. 


The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has been dubbed the rape capital of the world.

The United Nations says more than 200,000 people have been raped in the country since 1998. And now the UN has issued an ultimatum to two army battallions accused of mass rape.

Rape is weapon of war that goes largely unpunished in the eastern DRC. And the UN mission says it will stop working with the army unless legal action is take against those responsible.