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Parliaments and Representatives

Democracy and the equal participation of men and women in the political arena are closely intertwined. No parliament or any decision-making body can claim to be representative without the participation of both men and women. As stated in the Universal Declaration on Democracy adopted by the Inter-Parliamentary Union’s Member Parliaments in 1997, "The achievement of democracy presupposes a genuine partnership between men and women in the conduct of the affairs of society in which they work in equality and complementarity, drawing mutual enrichment from their differences."

Recent years have seen a steady increase in the number of women in parliament, though the world average of less than 22 percent remains far from the goal of parity between women and men. The election of women to the highest positions of state and government in several countries has also contributed to the changing face of politics.

While the road to election is a difficult one, the challenges for women do not stop there. Once women enter parliament or other bodies, they are faced with many new challenges. Parliament is traditionally a male-oriented domain where the rules and practices have been written by men. It is, therefore, an ongoing challenge to transform parliament into a gender-sensitive environment, to ensure that actions are gender-sensitive and to guarantee that gender is mainstreamed throughout the legislature.

World News

Türkiye: Low number of female MP candidates stirs reaction

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Türkiye: Low number of female MP candidates stirs reaction


Nongovernmental organizations and activists struggling for equal representation of women in politics and social life have criticized the low number of women on political parties’ parliamentary candidate lists, describing it as “dishonorable.”

Nongovernmental organizations and activists struggling for equal representation of women in politics and social life have criticized the low number of women on political parties’ parliamentary candidate lists, describing it as “dishonorable.”

World News

Men dominate 95% of local authorities in Britain, data shows

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Men dominate 95% of local authorities in Britain, data shows


Only 18 of 382 councils have minimum gender representation parity, say equality charities

The vast majority (95%) of local authorities across the UK are dominated by men, while only just over a third of local councillors are women, according to figures that highlight the gender disparities of local government.

Only 18 of 382 councils have minimum gender representation parity, say equality charities

The vast majority (95%) of local authorities across the UK are dominated by men, while only just over a third of local councillors are women, according to figures that highlight the gender disparities of local government.


Book talk: Women and Power in Africa - Aspiring, Campaigning, and Governing


Book talk: Women and Power in Africa - Aspiring, Campaigning, and Governing

This talk brings together experts on gender and African politics to examine trends in women’s political participation across the continent.

Women in politics: To run or not to run?

April 18, 2023

Women in politics: To run or not to run?

Despite progress towards gender equality, women’s representation in Canadian politics continues to fall short.

Despite progress towards gender equality, women’s representation in Canadian politics continues to fall short.

The female mayor in Tokyo fighting Japan's sexist attitudes

April 18, 2023

The female mayor in Tokyo fighting Japan's sexist attitudes

Satoko Kishimoto finds running one of Tokyo's main districts to be a lonely job.

Satoko Kishimoto finds running one of Tokyo's main districts to be a lonely job.



INTER PARES Partnership with Niger - Exchange with Women’s Caucuses and Women Deputies

Submitted by editor1 on
April 12, 2023

INTER PARES Partnership with Niger - Exchange with Women’s Caucuses and Women Deputies

As part of the INTER PARES Partnership with the National Assembly of Niger, a hybrid peer-to-peer exchange on the role and responsibilities of Women’s Caucuses and Women Deputies took place on 19 O

As part of the INTER PARES Partnership with the National Assembly of Niger, a hybrid peer-to-peer exchange on the role and responsibilities of Women’s Caucuses and Women Deputies took place on 19 O

Missing: Vital Voices of Lebanese Women in Politics

April 12, 2023

Missing: Vital Voices of Lebanese Women in Politics

This paper provides an overview of Lebanese women’s participation in political decision- making through a case study of women’s participation in the parliamentary elections of 2022 from a gender perspective.

This paper provides an overview of Lebanese women’s participation in political decision- making through a case study of women’s participation in the parliamentary elections of 2022 from a gender perspective.