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Political Parties

In a representative democracy, political parties function as a link between state institutions and local grassroots organizations. It is political parties that aggregate interests, present political alternatives and nominate candidates. As such, political parties play an essential role for the advancement of women and the promotion of equality. In this section, you will find information on the role of political parties in promoting women's political participation.

World News

No women in Sri Lanka’s new Cabinet

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No women in Sri Lanka’s new Cabinet


The newly appointed Cabinet which consists of 17 Ministers has failed to include female representation. 

The new Cabinet was appointed by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the President’s House in Colombo today. 

The list shows the lack of female representation, and also does not include the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs. 

The previous Cabinet of Ministers included one female Parliamentarian in a ministerial portfolio.

The newly appointed Cabinet which consists of 17 Ministers has failed to include female representation. 

The new Cabinet was appointed by President Gotabaya Rajapaksa at the President’s House in Colombo today. 

The list shows the lack of female representation, and also does not include the Ministry of Women and Child Affairs. 

The previous Cabinet of Ministers included one female Parliamentarian in a ministerial portfolio.

World News

Gambia: “Female participation in the upcoming parliamentary elections will be generally low,” election observation body says 

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Gambia: “Female participation in the upcoming parliamentary elections will be generally low,” election observation body says 


“Political parties have not done much sponsoring female candidates,” a recent report from Gambia Participates a civil society organisation that religiously observes elections in the Gambia has said.

According to the pre-election observation report 1 none of the 12 political parties have sponsored more than 10 female candidates.

“Political parties have not done much sponsoring female candidates,” a recent report from Gambia Participates a civil society organisation that religiously observes elections in the Gambia has said.

According to the pre-election observation report 1 none of the 12 political parties have sponsored more than 10 female candidates.

Malta: Did gender quotas election punish women candidates?

April 20, 2022

Malta: Did gender quotas election punish women candidates?

Just four women were elected during the 2022 general election but a deeper analysis also shows that women contesting on the Labour ticket obtained almost 20,000 first-count votes, which compares very well with the 14,000 first preferences obtained in 2017.

Just four women were elected during the 2022 general election but a deeper analysis also shows that women contesting on the Labour ticket obtained almost 20,000 first-count votes, which compares very well with the 14,000 first preferences obtained in 2017.


World News

Nepal: Election Commission revokes provision to compulsorily field woman candidate

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Nepal: Election Commission revokes provision to compulsorily field woman candidate


The commission rescinded the decision after the political parties protested against the provision stating that it is against existing laws.

The Election Commission has revoked a provision that mentioned that a political party contesting for only the post of either chief or deputy chief of a municipal should compulsorily field a woman candidate.

The commission rescinded the decision after the political parties protested against the provision stating that it is against existing laws.

The Election Commission has revoked a provision that mentioned that a political party contesting for only the post of either chief or deputy chief of a municipal should compulsorily field a woman candidate.

World News

Dominique Anglade denounces double standard for women in politics

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Dominique Anglade denounces double standard for women in politics


The life of a politician isn’t easy — even less so if you’re the leader of a party and a woman, says Quebec Liberal Party leader Dominique Anglade.

In politics, women are judged more harshly in many respects, she says. They feel the pressure to be perfect at all times and must constantly prove themselves, with little room for anger or mistakes.

The life of a politician isn’t easy — even less so if you’re the leader of a party and a woman, says Quebec Liberal Party leader Dominique Anglade.

In politics, women are judged more harshly in many respects, she says. They feel the pressure to be perfect at all times and must constantly prove themselves, with little room for anger or mistakes.

Albania: Violence against women in politics

April 12, 2022

Albania: Violence against women in politics

The Study "Violence Against Women in Politics" is commissioned by the UNDP Albania, in partnership with the People's Advocate and the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination and it is conducted in the context of the UN Joint Programme "Ending Violence Against

The Study "Violence Against Women in Politics" is commissioned by the UNDP Albania, in partnership with the People's Advocate and the Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination and it is conducted in the context of the UN Joint Programme "Ending Violence Against

World News

Albanian women in politics still suffering violence, study finds

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Albanian women in politics still suffering violence, study finds


A study conducted by the UNDP and Albanian partners, published on Wednesday, shows that women in Albanian politics still face routine discrimination, abuse and offensive language.

The findings of a study on “Violence against women in politics”, conducted by UNDP in cooperation with Albania’s Ombudsman and Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination, were published on Wednesday at a roundtable held in the Albanian parliament.

A study conducted by the UNDP and Albanian partners, published on Wednesday, shows that women in Albanian politics still face routine discrimination, abuse and offensive language.

The findings of a study on “Violence against women in politics”, conducted by UNDP in cooperation with Albania’s Ombudsman and Commissioner for Protection from Discrimination, were published on Wednesday at a roundtable held in the Albanian parliament.

World News

Only eight women stand in all-male Western Isles council elections

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Only eight women stand in all-male Western Isles council elections


Officials and activists had urged more women to stand after none of the female candidates were elected in 2017.

Equalities campaigners are dismayed that only eight women are standing for election to Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles council), despite a campaign to diversify Scotland’s only all-male local authority.

Officials and activists had urged more women to stand after none of the female candidates were elected in 2017.

Equalities campaigners are dismayed that only eight women are standing for election to Comhairle nan Eilean Siar (Western Isles council), despite a campaign to diversify Scotland’s only all-male local authority.